Chapter 13: Make It Last

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"Are you sure you're ready?" Dave asks you with a small smirk as you check your reflection in the mirror of his Chevy Equinox for about the eightieth time. You've been outside in the school's parking lot for the past fifteen minutes. You aren't afraid. Oh, no. You're just... Anxious.
You turn around and shoot Dave a look, placing your hands on your hips. "Yes. I'm ready. Why're you rushing me?"
Dave chuckles and takes your hand, pulling you closer and kissing your left ring finger. His free arm hooks around your waist as he smiles. "The bell is going to ring in ten minutes. We need to go."
You sigh softly, playing with his hair and looking up at him innocently. "Do we have to? Can't we just mess around in your car instead?"
He chuckles and waggles his eyebrows seductively. "What's the matter babe? Getting cold feet?"
You shake your head and purr softly. "I'm just pointing out that your car has tinted windows."
Dave snorts, bopping your nose with his finger. "Well, we can screw around in it after school."
You groans and pout. "Fine. Let's go in then."
Your boyfriend- ehem. Your fiancé takes your hand in his own and leads you inside with a smile on his face. The main foyer grows distinctly quiet as you enter; the loud, obnoxious voices that usually fill it now turn to hushed whispers. You don't let it bother you. At least you don't try to. Rather, you grip Dave's hand tighter and make your way over to your clique.
"How many people did you tell?" You ask before you reach them.
"Only John, Rose, Dirk, and Kanaya, but you know how school is. You tell one person and eventually everyone knows," he responds honestly.
"Fuck," you hiss under your breath as your group of friends gains awareness of your presence. They squeal and circle you, immediately taking your left hand captive.
"Whoa! That shore is some ring!" Feferi chirps in awe.
"Is that an eight carat diamond????????" Vriska asks as she eyes it up.
"Wwoww. Wwhy are all the good guys taken?" Eridan pouts, crossing his arms over his chest.
"That's why my cousin's the bomb dot com," Roxy grins as she elbows Dave playfully.
"Hey, Vantas!" A voice from behind you shouts. You wince an turn around. When you do so, you come face to face with the guys from the football team that had picked on Dave for being gay all that time ago. The guy who first spoke up continues once he knows he has your attention. His eyes zero in on the ring. "You two are really engaged, huh?"
You nod sheepishly. "Yeah, we are."
He then does something that takes you by surprise. He claps Dave on the back and smiles softly down at you. "He's a good guy. Hang onto him."
You blink in shock, glancing from them to Dave before stuttering out, "I know. Thanks."
He nods and turns away, leading his small pack down the hall. He calls back a, "Congrats!" before continuing out of sight.
You look up at Dave and raise an eyebrow curiously at him. He simply smiles and shrugs. "Change of heart I guess. They're genuinely nice people. Sometimes peer pressure just gets in the way, you know?"
You nod slowly in agreement before turning to address the group. "The bell's going to ring, so we'll see you guys later." They grin and wave as they disperse, leaving you and Dave to walk down the hall to your first period.
You take the long way because you have some extra time. You earn a few more congrats and a few rude comments uttered under people's breath as you passed. With Dave holding your hand, however, you didn't pay them any mind.
As per norm, your teacher is standing outside the door to greet the students. You have social studies first period and he does not seem to like you and Dave. He even goes as far as to openly groan when you arrive. You simply roll your eyes and lean up to peck Dave's lips. "I love you."
He grins and returns the kiss before drawling, "I love you, too, my adorable little fiancé."
The teacher's head snaps to look in your direction. He's quirking an eyebrow over his glasses and after a pause asks, "Did you just say fiancé?" You nod and cautiously hold up your ring. He inspects it for a moment before slowly breaking into a small smile. The teacher then shakes his head and looks away. "You know, you two may gross me out with your PDA, but as a couple, I often find myself rooting for you. Out of any relationship here, I genuinely hope you two succeed outside of high school."
You and Dave look at each other in surprise. "Really?" You ask in disbelief.
He nods and pushes up his glasses. "Of course. Why do you think Mr. Strider here has yet to get a detention for being late to his classes? We all are well aware of what you've gone through, so we give you much more leniency. Just be warned, Mr. Strider: if you break up with him, your free passes go away."
Dave beams and salutes him. "Understood, sir. I wouldn't dream of it."
The teacher suppresses a smile. "At ease. Just get to class, David."
Dave nods and kisses your cheek one last time. "Don't worry, Kitten. I'll never ever leave you. Not until the day my heart stops beating," he whispers to you so your teacher won't get grossed out.
Your face lights up at that. "I know, Dave. I share your sentiment. Now get to class before you get a detention." You snigger as you shove him playfully down the hall. He blows you a kiss and makes a heart with his hands as he leaves.
You take what both of them said to heart. You don't intend on ever leaving Dave's side. Not until death do you part.

Author's Note

So that's it! That's the last chapter of this book! Don't be sad because I intend to make AT LEAST ONE MORE. I might make two if I'm feeling crazy. That's all for now! Being Karkat Vantas is getting finished next so go read that in the meantime. Adios!


Karkat Vantas' Stri-Do's and Dont's of Family: A Davekat FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now