How it all began

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7 years old

I was sitting on the edge of my bed with my obsidian laptop in front of me when I heard a loud crash. I froze and angled my cat ears in the direction of the noise. Nothing happened again. No more noise. But I could sense something was seriously wrong. I sneaked across my bedroom floor and opened the curtains a crack, just enough for me to peek out. And-staring back at me was-I didn't have enough time to comprehend who it was, or what it was. He punched the window and it shattered into pieces. I was frozen in terror. There was no time to run away. He grabbed me and dragged me out of the window with him with one hand gripping my dress collar and one over my mouth to muffle my screams.
I tried to kick him. I tried to scratch him with my claws. I tried to punch him. I tried to bite him. Nothing helped. Tears streamed down my face as I gave up let myself get dragged away. Away from my beloved home. From my family.
The man who took me was silent. He spoke no word. He had a light blue T-shirt on, dark blue jeans, and leather backpack.
I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to calm myself, but by heart was still beating too fast. I don't know what happened after that, but I think I blacked out for a few minutes. All I know is that I woke up to the sound of voices. A man and a woman. "Look Alex, I got her." a men's voice said. "Aww she's so cute...lets take her along!" Alex said. What? Take along? Do they mean me? Where? I didn't dare open my eyes. "She's part ender...Endermen are strong...yes let's take her along, maybe we can train to fight along side us!" The man said gleefully. "Great idea, Steve!" Alex exclaimed. "Meanwhile I've been hunting some Endermen...look, I got us 10 more Enderpearls!" At that point, I just couldn't resist, so I opened my eyes a crack. There were two humans, the man was the one who kidnapped me. He was probably Steve. Alex was a woman who had bright orange hair, a green shirt and brown leather pants. She also had a backpack.
In her hands were about a dozen ender pearls. I could barely suppress a gasp. How cruel! How could she do such a thing? She must have murdered about 20 Endermen for those pearls! "Wow, that's great, Alex!" Steve admired. "Come on let's go back to the overworld, the cold is getting to me," he added shivering.
He grabbed my wrist and they started walking. I was left to be dragged along the floor.
My bare arms scraped against the rough ground and drops of blood trailed behind me. I didn't feel any pain. I only felt terror. And fury. I was helpless. I did not know how to teleport yet. I also didn't know how to fight either. There was no hope. I didn't bother to close my eyes...I didn't care anymore. They said they wouldn't kill me. I stared up at the black sky, feeding my eyes on it. This might be the last time I ever see family....the..the dragons?! Why didn't they stop the humans?
Did they approve of what they did? No, that couldn't be....what if they had injured them?! Or worse, killed him. The simple thought horrified me and my head started spinning. There were also no Endermen in sight. Oh no! How could they! I always knew Humans were bad...but this? Never had I dreamed of this!
My thoughts were abruptly cut off as the humans stopped.
It was some kind of portal. I remembered images of these on my must be the portal to the overworld...I sweped my eyes across the End one last time, taking everything in. My heart ached, blood flowed down my legs, tears streamed down my face.
There was hiss as Alex jumped into the portal. I looked at Steve in the eye. Maybe I could persuade him not to take me. Probably not but it was worth a try. Steve jumped. He wasn't aware that I had awoken. I stared at him directly and widened my eyes so that they sparkled like the Ender crystals that sat on fire.
Steve looked taken aback. He stared back. I widened my eyes even more. Steve looked sort of hypnotized. "Let me go...please...." I spoke in human language. Steve didn't answer at first. He seemed unsure. Maybe I should just run while he was in this state? But I was afraid that if I broke the connection he would get back to normal. I decided to try. I stepped back. No reaction. I kept my eyes on him. Another step. And another one. But just when I was about to turn heel and run, Steve seemed to realized what was happening. He lunged forward before I could react  and grabbed me and threw me into the portal and jumped in after me. Black engulfed me as I fell into an endless hole of darkness.

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