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Well, it was put first on the book for a reason! This is the page where memberships and membership requirements will be.

The Administrators, DueliStar and Fab_Senpai-Chan, our leaders of this account. They cannot be overuled. Now, if you have a question or complaint, they will try to take care of it.

In this account, there are many jobs! There will be someone perfect for each job!^^ Now, the jobs and in-depth description of each job appears as follows:

Admins--Although just explained, they are the leaders of this account. They are the hierarchy, equaling they handle the big stuff.

Second-in-Command--There is only one person in this place (This may or may not be altered later). They will take care of things while Admins are not able to be around.
[SiC need to be able to respond within 1-2 days of time.]

Roleplay Overseers--They will be the head of any [public] RPs. There will be 2-3 Overseers. You must abide by their guidelines or sadly you will not be allowed to continue. They will also be there to make sure no one is ignored and everyone is having fun.
[RO need to be able to respond within 2-4 days of time.]

Contest Board--There will be 3-4 on the Board. They will be judges in any contests or challenges that may occur. They will also think of new ideas for any coming-up contests or challenges.
[CB Members need to be able to respond within a week of time.]

Artists--There will be as many artsists as we can fit! They will fill up the official DD_UsersUnite Art Book with OC- or Derby Days-related art. They will also draw prizes for any contest winners.
[Artists need to be able to respond within 2 days to a week of time.]

Advertisers--Anyone is an advertiser! Spread the account's existance so you can help get us more followers!

Current Members & Their Jobs:

Admins--DueliStar, Fab_Senpai-Chan


Roleplay Overseers--

Contest Board-- [Admins (DueliStar & Fab_Senpai-Chan) are fill-ins for any judges who can't judge by the due date]

Artists--DueliStar, Fab_Senpai-Chan, Shockaduke


DD_UsersUnite's Membership/Annoucements/& Rules BookWhere stories live. Discover now