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Now, this is the page of rules! Nobody loves rules, but we can't have you goin' around cussing everyone's head off, right?^^,


•Admin's words are rule. Not to sound rude, but we need to keep some things in order!

•Any job needs to be obeyed. (E.g. If a roleplay overseer says to stop killing another's OC; stop killing 'em.^^,)

•We are created by the mere fact we share in common our love of Derby Days! Don't join because you looove Pokémon! (Although, I suppose you could put something about it in a randomness book...?)

•Once you are finished on this account, please logout.

•NO SHARING THE PASSWORD!!! Admins and SiC are the only ones allowed to share it!!!

•If you know someone who loves DD, invite them here!^^ We want to expannnnnd!

•Invite people from DD to join. It's not hard! Just go to Jenny's wall and put "HELLOOOOO PEOPLE! GO DOWNLOAD WATTPAD AND JOIN DD_USERSUNITE!!!" (OK, maybe not quite like that...)

•If you have a complaint or question or anything else, PM the account and we'll answer A.S.A.P!

•Please do not swear. Now, if you just... y'know can't help it. Please block out letters with "*".

•If you are wanting a certain job; ask!

•[MOST IMPORTANT RULE. MAKE SURE YOU READ!!!] All this fancy account stuff may sound big and important, but remember... we're just a bunch of goofy friends who ganged together to have fun!

DD_UsersUnite's Membership/Annoucements/& Rules BookWhere stories live. Discover now