Max and Cheese

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Ten to twenty minutes later, me and Max have found 15 similarities between us and 1 difference.

Here's the list:


2)tackling people (we both do it)

3)weird nicknames (MadMax MadAsh, see the similarity?)

4)YouTube job

5)video games

6)weird roommate(s)

7)strange past

8)Adam is irritating

9)Adam is still great though

10)strawberry ice cream 

11)Ross is weird

12)strange taste in clothes

13)works at SkyMedia(I just got hired! whoopwhoop)

14)hates IHOP

15)loves food


1)looks... we look different... but think the same

And that's the list, we're still working on it, though. Me and Max went to our apartments, turns out I live just right across the street, and everyone else went to go get food. Adam said he new me so well he could pick for me and said the same for Max. I wonder what he's getting?

Right now I'm at Max's place, it's cool. Then I feel the hair in a messy bun start coming undone from on top of my head. I reach my hands up to tighten it, but when I touch it, I feel that the hair-tie is broken. I  sigh as my dirty-blonde hair falls down in a mess on my face.

"Do you have hair-tie?" I ask Max while blowing hair out of my face.

He smirks, "Nope, sorry Ava," I think for a second. "Ya' got any string?" Max holds back a laugh, "Nope," That's when I get tired of long hair. "Ya' got any scissors?" Max is puzzled by my question, but goes into the kitchen and comes back with a pair of scissors.

I get up and walk toward the bathroom, swinging the scissors around my finger. Max showed me around, so I know where everything is. When I get to the bathroom, I look in the mirror and see Max standing right behind me. Causing me to jump a little bit, but I don't realize that he was so close to me because when I do, I jump right into him. I turn around instantly, and when I do our faces are so close together that the tips of our noses almost touch. This is awkward... I feel the heat rushing to my cheeks and find myself where I can't move. I think he's in the same situation I'm in because I can see that this is really awkward for him.

After what seemed like forever of standing there, but was probably not even a minute, I gain a little control of my body. I drop the scissors. Out of all the things I could do. I drop. The scissors. Causing a little clang of the metal hitting the tile floors.

"I'M HERE!!" I hear Adam and Ross yell from the front door. I guess the sudden change caused me and Max to snap back to reality because now we're falling on the ground outside of the bathroom. And I'm on top of him. It's awkward as we're falling but as soon as we hit the ground we start laughing. Like, uncontrollably. In my peripheral vision I see Adam walking toward us with his vlogging camera on. "And look at the two love birds!" he says. Me and Max are still laughing and now it looks like we're insane. I start getting up, only to fall back down on Max. My hands are on both sides of his head and my arms are trying to push me up. After a while I get so tired of trying to get up, I just let myself collapse on Max' chest, us giggling like maniacs. Then everything dawns on me- on us. 

Adam. Is. Recording. Us.

We lock eyes with each other and instantly start getting up. Now Adam is laughing like crazy, wait, Adam, Ross, and Barney are laughing like crazy.

Me and Max are trying to get up but just keep falling. Once he gets up it's just a matter of me trying to, but every time I try I just keep falling down.

"Max, HAAAALLLLLLPPPP!!!!!!" I yell, he sighs and squats down. I climb onto his back and when he gets up I'm squealing, "PIGGYBACK RIDE!!!" over and over again. I start to slip, so I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders. He walks around his apartment, Adam and the gang following us. I rest my chin in the nook between his shoulder and his neck, "I'm hungry, Max..." I pout. He chuckles, "Adam, she's hungry!" 

"Well, come here and eat!" Adam yells. Max walks over to Adam just as he's opening up the to-go boxes revealing food. Adam looks in one and says, "Ava, this is your's." I sigh, not wanting to get down from Max's back. 

"Max, can you get that for me?" he sighs. "Pwease..." I say in a small childish voice that can control anybody. He walks over to Adam grabs the box and asks, "Where's mine?" Adam looks through all the boxes and says, "I dunno, guess they mixed your orders up," with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Wait, what?" me and Max say in unison. Everyone laughs, "You both wanted mac 'n cheese, right?" Ross asks.

"Um...Yeah..." me and Max say in unison, again! But it comes out more of a question then anything.

"They mixed up your orders...I guess!" Adam finishes off. Everyone bursts out laughing and me and Max have a look of pure hatred on our faces. Max walks over to the trash can drops the food in it and asks, "You got any cash?" 

"Yup" I say popping the p, and pulling out two 20 dollar bills from my back pocket. Then we walk out of the apartment and walk toward a restaurant to get seperate plates of food. And I slowly... find myself drifting off... to sleep...

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