I promise...

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When I wake up I find myself... back in Max's house? I don't recognize the room but I can tell just by the smell of the place and the loud chit-chatter in the living room that this is definitely Max's house. But the question is A) why am I in Max's house? B) where am in Max's house? And C) how long was I asleep? It's dark out! Last thing remember I... I blush when I remember the circumstances of what happened earlier.

I stand up and wobbly walk towards the door. I open the door and instantly recognize where I am. I'm in the hall-way where me and Max fell on top of each other... I blush again when I remember this. As I walk into the living room I see Adam, Ross, Barney, Max, and some other people I don't recognize including a very pretty woman holding a baby, sitting in circle on the floor. If I hadn't seen her kiss Adam, I would've been asking who she was.

"So that's the lucky girl? Huh, Adam?" I ask as I plop down next to Max on the floor. Adam laughs, "Yup, this is Alesa," he says and points to the lady, "Hello!" she says cheerily. "And that is-" "BABY MASON!!!!" I interrupt Adam and crawl over to Alesa and the baby, "Can I hold him?" I squeak excitedly. "Sure!" Alesa says in the same tone of voice that I used.

After awhile of me holding Baby Mason, Alesa wanted her baby back, so I pouted, gave him back to her, and sat down by Max. We played truth or dare for awhile but then we all got tired of making up dares.

"Why don't we play 'Honesty Hour'?" I ask, thinking back to my High School days when all of my friends would come to my house when my parents weren't there and sit in a circle, just like now, and play 'Honesty Hour'.

"What is that?" Adam asks. I answer almost immediately, "It's when anyone can ask everyone a question and they have to answer 100% honestly," I answer all in one breath.

"Lets do it!" Adam and Ross say in unison. I chuckle and look at Max, he's so mad about this. Whenever he gets mad he's so... adorable. 

"Okay, let's start, I'll go first." Alesa says. "Okay, first off what's your name?" Alesa says while pointing at me. "Oh! I'm Ava! And what question ya' got for me?" I ask.

"Well... what sexuality are you?" she asks. As soon as she does I feel social anxiety start bubbling up from inside of me. I whisper the answer in Max's ear and tell him to tell everyone else. Before he starts talking I nuzzle my head into his arm to prevent myself from hearing the group's replies. I hear muffles, Max's voice, then feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer to Max. I loosen my grip on him and hear him whisper "It's okay, if they judge I'll punch 'em in the throat, that'll shut 'em up." I smile and whisper back "I want to sleep, Max. Can I sleep with you?" I hear him smile, "Sure, let's go to bed." He picks me up bridal-style and I nuzzle my face into his chest, smiling tiredly. "Me and Ava are gonna go to bed, so be quiet." he says, and it's the calmest I've ever heard him tell someone what to do. I hear someone get up and walk over to Max. I already know that it's Adam, he's practiclly a brother to me.

"Adam...stop. It's fine.I'll be... fine." I push Adam away from Max, but Adam walks back up to us.

"If you lay one hand on her-" "Adam, stop. I'm glad that you worry about me, but I can defend myself. And if he does anything creepy I'll call you to do all the dirty work of killing him..." I say tiredly. Adam understands that I'm too tired to do anything crazy, so he gives up and says, "Fine," then walks away.

When we get to, what I assume to be, Max's room he plops me onto the bed and lays down next to me. I cuddle into him and find myself saying the words I didn't know were gnawing in the back of my mind for so long.



"Can I tell you something, that won't make any sense? But I'll tell you the story behind it if you let me."

"Sure, go ahead."

"One day,

You'll find yourself,

A small bird,

Flying up and up, 

Into the sky,

Going as far as the world limits you,

The sudden change in atmosphere freezing your bones,

And you find yourself falling, 

The blur of the world around you becoming the faces of those who loved you,

Or those who you loved,

Then you look down and see the world closer than you imagined,

And just as you're about to hit the bottom,

Someone wakes you up from the nightmare of falling,

And helps you open your wings,

Then you just find yourself flying upwards again..."  

I remember Nora, my ex-girlfriend, telling me this.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Max asks quietly.

"Let me start from the beginning,"

"Okay, go ahead."

"Well.... One day, a young girl, about 12, found herself swinging, wanting to jump out and fly as far as the world would limit her. Then she met a girl, a younger girl. Who she fell madly in love with. After about six years of them dating, the older one decided to 'pop' the question. The younger one's mom was completely oblivious to their relationship, so, when announcing their engagement, the younger one's mom was furious, and destroyed the wedding rings... then killed her daughter. The older one went into a spiraling depression that lasted about two years. Then, she met a short-tempered ginger who, just as she was about to hit the bottom, helped her spread her wings... Only so that she could find herself flying again..." I finish off. I realize that I've been crying. And I open my eyes just in time to see Max do the same. He hugs me closer and says, "I'm so sorry..."

"You shouldn't be, it's not your fault. we should've told her mom first, but... we new she wouldn't accept it until it was too late to go back... guess we thought wrong..." I say grimly. He grips my shirt and says "I'm sorry! You didn't have to tell me all that! I would've been fine what you originally said! Not all of that!" Max is yelling slightly now and his voice is so unrecognizable when he's crying. I make comforting noises and hold him close as to calm him down. It's probably not helping when I'm crying, also.

After both of us calm down he says, "I don't want that to happen to us, Ava." as if we're already a couple. I remember when I said those exact words to Nora when she told me her own meaning of the story, it was her parents love story though. The exact same.

"It won't... I promise..."

Well... action packed stuff, my god. We got some Adam-brotherly-protection. Some Max-is-crying action. And some backstory-drama. I did good. Tell me what you think of this and the character contest is STILL up! I NEED characters so please do that for me! I know, I've typed three chapters in less that a day, but meh, no biggie. 

And that is a wrap up! Make sure to vote. Comment. And share all this story action! If you like what you see, follow me! I'll follow you back! And bai ma' wittle monsters see ya' soon!!!

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