Chemical Prisoner

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(A/N): GUYS!!! WE HIT 100!!! This is going in my House of Memories. Yes that was a song reference, and yes it will be counted. I want to keep this A/N short, and I have nothing else to talk about, so im going to end it there. Proceed.

Chara began to look frightened, I guess they didn't know I could do that either. I could finally do the only thing I wanted to do, kill them. There was one problem though... I couldn't. I didn't have the heart to kill someone. I only did before because I was tricked, bored, and gullible. I guess Sans was right, I was a good person. I think my expression wasn't very hidden, because Chara's changed quickly. "Go ahead, kill me!"  I couldn't do that, and we both knew it. However, I could make it seem as if I could. "I killed all of the people in this timeline... at least, all but one. Hello Chara, it's knife to meet you." I tackled them to the ground, jamming the blunt end of the knife into their stomach. We rolled around for a bit like pigs in mud, until they pushed me off and ran. I don't know where they thought they were going, because they forgot one thing... I control this timeline too. I could reset whenever I wanted, bringing them right back to me. So far, however, that wasn't necessary. They tripped over a stick in the middle of the path. I kept my distance from them, I had to think of a plan to win without killing them. I must have thought for a while, because they had made a spear of sorts out of the stick they had previously tripped over. I still had no clue of what I was going to do, and trying to think of a way came with too many risks. I thought for a what felt like 30 seconds to me and they had already crafted a weapon? No thanks, I choose life. The more I messed up, the more I noticed how I had already messed up. I had no idea how I was going to get back. Let's see, the last time I was here, I returned because I was in a... life threatening danger. 

'Really, it just HAD to be that way didn't it!'

At this moment I had to choose between one of two options, and fast. If I took too long who knows what Chara will do while I wasn't paying attention this time. I could either kill Chara and live in this timeline forever, or I could risk dying to go back to my timeline and prepare for what could possibly happen to me if this slips too far out of my hands. My only goal for a while was the event of Chara's death, only now did I realize I wasn't fit for the job. I needed it to happen differently, or at least I wanted it to. I had killed so many innocent people, would this be any different? It might be more enjoyable knowing the person that you were scared of could easily be laying on the ground, stone cold, painted in Crimson Red. I could find another way to practically commit suicide, i'm sure there's a rope around here somewhere. I would complete my mission, and get back to my timeline, I win right? Wrong. There was one thing that would be ruined, my sanity. It had took me some time to realize, but even when I started the "flashback" I was never there when I killed anyone. I had only memories of their deaths, but I was never on the other end of the blade when it happened. For all I  know I never killed anyone. The memories only came to me when people explained them to me, I could have simply made it all up believing it was all real. Killing Chara myself wouldn't satisfy me... at least, not yet. If I had someone to do it for me while I wasn't there I would happily agree. I had lost track of time. How long was I thinking for? I didn't see Chara, and I began to get scared. I screamed for help hoping someone could do the deed for my satisfaction, but no one came. I felt a sudden tug on my shirt as a foot was placed behind my heel. Chara had knocked me down. I toppled to the ground, and as they pinned me down I had made my decision. I was going to try to cheat death again so I could think about everything more thoroughly. As they climbed on top of me I did my best to make the knife visible, without making it clear that I was giving it up. The goal was for them to take it and strike again. They took no time at all, and in less than a minute had loosened my grip enough to rip it out of my grasp. "Any last words (Y/N)?" Their voice was even more maniacal than usual, and I began to worry. I had no way to turn back now, and as I shook my head from right to left, their arm fell stiffened towards me. I closed my eyes and focused on memories from my timeline. When I opened them I was still sat at the dining table in Toriel's house. She wasn't there like she was when I left, that wasn't the only thing missing. I felt a sudden loss of energy, and all I could wish for was something to rest upon. Standing up I felt a sharp pain in my left leg. I couldn't hold my own weight anymore, and fell to the floor. When I looked at my leg I noticed a tear in my pants, beneath it flesh disconnected where I had a gash, drowning in it's own oddly beautiful Crimson. I went upstairs to the bathroom where I washed it and bandaged myself. As I thought to myself about how I had the cut, I had noticed something. It took longer for me to return this time. If it continues like this, it may take too long, and it may be too late. I could become a prisoner to somewhere I don't belong. After a while of going back and forth I had made an executive decision, the next trip to that timeline would be my last. After I would have no reason to return, because everything would be gone. Everyone... everything, would be dead.

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