In The End

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My vision shifted, and I was suddenly laying on the floor, struggling to keep away a scream as the sudden pain filled me. "Feel anything different?"  Great, they just HAD to taunt me. The pain seemed to subside after a bit, but I was too scared to get up and have it rush back to me. Chara stared down at me, just as satisfied as I was before the painful truth was revealed, quite literally. I risked it (or should I say, FRISKED it... im sorry I just had to make at least one pun or else it wouldnt be a true Undertale story ill stop), I jumped up suddenly, only to be stalled by the toy knife. Stabbing holes, Chara laughed the same way they always had... maniacally. I fell limp back to the ground, only to land on the wound. I couldn't see anything. I don't think I passed out as much as my mind simply exploded. I've endured a lot of pain, but nothing, nothing, had hurt as much as landing on that wound. I wasn't sure how much more I could handle. I seemed to have lost everything already. I had so much control of the situation before, but it's as if I was a baby with a heartless mother. I was stupid and I wanted my toy so I could be happy, but instead the mother feels so superior that she stares down on me, smiling. They had all of the control, and they took advantage of it. They were a parasite, hurting me for their own gain, and it needed to be taken care of before it outed me. Inhaling deeply, I slowly struggled to my feet as they watched me silently. "Whacha doin' there buddy?"

"I won't let the wind go quietly..."

"Wha-" I darted towards them when they least expected it. I don't think either of us knew that I would be able to even walk after what just happened, but here I am surprising myself yet again. As I approached I wasn't sure how I were going to strike, so instead I rammed them off their feet. For a moment I had lifted them above my head, but as gravity took over they became too heavy, and I fell to the floor once again, now with Chara folded around me. When I fell, their legs stayed under me. As I landed, their upper half folded all the way down until they kissed my butt... more literally than I had hoped. Folding back they held their stomach, coughing and choking on the blood slithering out of their mouth. I stood up again, hoping to try and end it here. Stopping just beside their waist, I began to mock them. Opening my mouth, something jabbed my ankle. Twisting it, I fell for what seemed like the 100th time already, and I really wished it my last. In an attempt to break my fall, I lost a hold of the toy knife as I motioned my hands towards the ground. Grabbing the other toy knife, Chara approached me. Damn they got up fast. Crouched near my torso, they stepped on my right hand, pinning it as they stabbed the rusty knife through my hand, sticking the blood stained tip into the ground. Now using the first knife, they slowly slit my wrist and gradually worked their way up, blood spilling off both sides of my arm. Frozen still with fear, I attempted to go back to my own timeline. This was a life threatening danger right? I guess not. I wasn't able to go back. Maybe this wasn't a life threatening danger or maybe I just didn't have enough energy this time. Either way, this wasn't about to happen. As they neared my breast region I used all of the strength in my left arm to pull it out of the ground. With my hand now "freed", I flipped it backwards and jammed it into Chara's hip. Their foot loosened off of my hand, and I removed the knife from my hand.... bad mistake. Blood dripping everywhere, I was determined to end it here. I couldn't risk another accident. Kneeling beside Chara, I raised the knife above my head. As I got ready to strike, Chara reached out their arm, and slowly faded away. "Goodbyyyeeee."


They had leapfrogged to another timeline, leaving me alone to my thoughts in this one. I was this close to ending it, but yet I just couldn't do it. After scolding myself for a while, I made it very clear to myself that this was it, I'm done playing games. Chara can and will die. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even in this timeline, but it WILL happen. After some time, a big orange button appeared in front of me. As I pressed it, everything around me seemed to get dark, darker, yet darker. I awoke on top of a pile of buttercup flowers. Rising to my feet, I didn't seem to be in the best of moods. Walking to the next area, I knew what had to be done.

"If you fail to succeed, try try again."

~The End~

(A/N): Do not fear, you all already know my plans for the future. Also HAPPY JOSH? I know youre out there. This little brat (dont take that literally, unless youre Josh, then take that very literally) told me that I don't use enough details in my story. I know you cant take thing with a lot of blood and gore, so I did my best with the whole double knife thing Chara pulled. Also the sequel is out! It is titled "Delusions of Decimation" if you want more of the story.

Edit: Was this book really that bad? It seems like literally nobody reads the sequel anymore... I'm Almost starting to lose interest...

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