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  It was another day in the Classic's club, the only thing that was different was Mayaka and Satoshi were out running errands. That means the only people in the room was Chitanda and Oreki. Chitanda was sitting there in silence, unsure what to do; while Oreki was reading a book still keeping up the 'conserving energy' thing.

ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ    Oreki's P.O.V. 

  Why did we have to be alone together? Well I guess it's fine since I'm kept busy. However, even I knew that she wouldn't stay quiet for long. I sighed and put the book down. "What's wrong? You seem quieter than usual." 

Looks like this startled Chitanda enough to make her jump. "I-um-I'm fine! I mean, nothing's wrong! I just didn't know what to say, that's all . . ." What's that? Her face looks red. Maybe just my imagination.  "What do you want to do?" I asked her.

"I'm actually a little hungry  . . ." Chitanda's stomach rumbled, loud enough for me to hear.                       "Well I guess we should go somewhere to eat." I sighed. This was just going to take more energy.

Eru nodded with a blinding smile. I hate it when she flashes those types of smiles at me. It makes my heart ache . . . What am I saying?! We're just friends. Nothing more. Calm down. Oh no, now my heart rate is up! There's no point in conserving energy now I guess.

The walk there wasn't really interesting. Maybe walking there wasn't a wise choice. There were tons of moment where our hands bumped up against each other but quickly pulled away. Was I the only one embarrassed?! Oh yeah, eye contact was a big thing as well. Damn you Oreki, having a strange need to look at her. I just had to pick the times when she'd look back and it'd get more awkward. 

"Man, this cafe brings back memories . . ." I said without thinking. Of course that was the memory of when I actually thought she was going to confess her love to me. But it ended up being a 'I'm curious' type thing. Even so, Chitanda nodded and gave a little giggle. Again, with the heart rate! The only logical answer is that I have a heart problem. 

We sat down in a booth that might have been the same one as last time, I can't remember. Not being as hungry as Chitanda was, I only ordered coffee. She ordered the weird tea like liquid from last time we were there and a slice of strawberry cake. Idiot . . . hunger won't be cured on sweets.

There was an awkward silence.

"I-I meant to say earlier that I was curious about something." Chitanda had finished her cake slice.

"And that is . . .?" I tried my best to sound bored. But it was like whenever Chitanda was curious, I was curious about what made her curious. Does that make sense? Let's just say now I was glued to her every move.  She stood up and leaned as close as she could to me, her lips were roughly an inch away from my own. This only happened one other time. I won't say anything about it though.

"Ibara-san told me that she loved Fukube-kun. That they were going on a date today. Oreki, tell me, what is it like to be in love~?" She asked innocently. Way  too innocently. I could feel her breaths on my face, it was weird. If I had looked down, I might have gotten to see cleavage but now was a serious moment. It caught me off guard.

That damn Satoshi went on a date and didn't tell me that's what they were doing? I'm going to get him back for this someday  . . .

[Bring on the Satoshi x Oreki fics pls]

By now I was obviously blushing darkly maybe even all over my face. Had I ever been in love before? No, I don't think so. Or maybe I don't want to admit it. I might, just might, be in love with Chitanda. "I-uh-um-I have no idea!" I decided not to admit it. Nice going, Oreki.

"Oh, but I want to know! Do you have an idea at least~?" she pouted.

"I'll tell you my idea, but promise not to laugh?" I decided to be serious. 

Chitanda nodded, "I promise, I will not laugh." Her eyes sparkled, like the countless times when she told me she was curious. Why was she even asking me of all people?

"I think, l-love f-feels like getting hit by a b-bus. You don't see it coming, but when you do, you can't stop it. W-when you see the person, it feels as though the devil is s-squeezing your heart. Those so called 'butterflies in your stomach' are really pounding punches from the inside of your stomach. In no way, does it conserve energy. Your face gets hot, and your palms get all sweaty and there's no telling when it'll end." It's kind of embarrassing. I'm talking as if I'm an expert. How strange, I just described how I feel around Chitanda. 

"D-do you h-have someone l-like that?" I finally asked.

"I think I do, everything that you just said, I've felt about someone lately. How do I know if I'm in love?" Her face was definitely red this time. 

"Y-you just kn-know . . ." As if I know. I guess I'm in love with Chitanda. But it's obviously clear she likes someone right now. There's no way it'd work out. Her lips were still close, but farther away. Oh, how badly I wanted to close the gap. Instead, I just got closer to hers, leaving less than an inch between them. I could silence her with a kiss. If only it were that easy.

It's like she just now noticed the short distance between us, she blushed a dark shade of red and sat back down in her seat, as did I. I wonder if my feelings are obvious. 

"You see, there's this guy I think I might love. . . This is so embarrassing~!! You make it sound so easy to admit!! Oreki, you know, your description was way too detailed to be from a guy who has never been in love before . . ." Her words were shaky.

It was true. I thought she wouldn't notice it but it was obviously too advanced for a guy oblivious to love. "You're right. Probably, I'm probably in love." There was no way I'd look her in the eye again. She probably knows it's her, too. I mean, who else would it be?! 

"I'm sorry you had to go through that then . . ." Chitanda was tearing up, why?!

"Being in love with Ibara-san must hurt. Having to watch her be in love with Fukube-kun . . ." A tear slid down her face. Why is she crying for me? Part of me thinks it would be better for her to think that it's Mayaka, the other thinks that's disgusting!

"Chitanda, it's not Mayaka." Ah, without thinking, I said this.

"Well that's good, I couldn't bear to see Oreki sad~!" Chitanda laughed, wiping her tears away. "Then who could it be?" She added. What will I tell her? At this point, my face was tomato red and I was looking at the table, completely forgetting about my coffee.

I was going to make a decision that would change everything, I think.

"Come here," I demanded.

"What? Why~!?" She pouted

"Just do it, please." 


Chitanda and I sat side by side. This was one of the moments that I was thankful to look at her and for her to look back at me, her eyes widened. Could she read what I was about to do? Someone once told me to be bold, that girls like it when guys confess to them. Maybe this could work. I can't comprehend the outcome of this. The next time I want her to look at me, I want it to be different.

I pressed my lips to hers, kissed her passionately. Good, I had caught her off guard. I don't think she hated it that much. The kiss lasted about 4 seconds, she kissed back and I pulled away.

"Chitanda . . . the person I love is you!" 

"Oreki . . . . . . why didn't you tell me sooner! I feel the same, I love you!" She sounded startled and when she spoke, it came out as a whisper.

It took almost all of me to get that off my chest. Believe it or not, I tried very hard not to stutter or hesitate. 

Now what?

3rd person P.O.V.   ↡↡↡ ( ^▽^)σ)~O~)

  After that, Oreki and Chitanda discovered a new chapter of their lives. Oh? you expected them to have kids and get married? Who knows what they do after that. We can only hope.


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