Chp.3: The Transfer Student

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Third Person P.O.V

Ryomi bought a newspaper today,to see if they put an article of her death.
Well,she believed that her parents, ...wait,no, her ex-parents, will put it in newspaper.

Afterall, they love being the center of attention.Well she was right.The saying was most likely like this,

Headline News
The only daughter of Echizen's died in an car accident.
Echizen Ryoma,was looked depressed because of his twin sister death.

Echizen Ryoma,was looked depressed because of his twin sister death

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(Shocked:Echizen Ryoma's expression when his twin die)
And then.....blah.....blah.....blah

Ryomi just smirked when she saw her brother expression.

Well,today she should go to school. So,she take a bath,preapare her things,and etc.

She believes the school bell rung at 08.30(she thanked God for this), and right now is...08.10.She should hurry or she'll be late.

She took her things and tennis racket.She planned to enter the tennis team.
School gate of RikkaiDai Fuzoku,
Kirihara Akaya's P.O.V

"Ne,ne, Mura,today I got a feeling that we will have a new member!"Marui-senpai say.

Yukimura-buchou merely raised an eyebrow,"Why you got a feeling like that,Marui?" Yukimura-buchou replied.

Marui-senpai grinned,"My Favourite bubble gum,gave a rare fortune!It says that a good player/person/buddies will come today!"

Niou-senpai and me grinned,"Ehhh~Marui-senpai/kun,you believe a fortune?"we retorted together.

We wait for his yelling or denied but none came.Marui-senpai just nod his head.

"Nonsense tarun-"Fuku-buchou said-half yelling but cutted-

"Kyaaaaa!!"we heard girls squeals.Well,that's not rare they are squealing at us,but right now the attention is at the red haired cool looking guy.

Akihito Shin(Ryomi's boy name) P.O.V

When I walk to school-which is only 5 minutes walk-, many girls and boys(?) talked about me.I managed to hear few.

"Isn't he good looking?"

"Kyaaa he's so cute!"

"I might be gay if it's him"

I nearly puked at the last statement.

I don't realize that I bump into a girl.I quickly pull her up,(princely style) and asked, "Are you alright?"

The girl's near Akihito Shin's P.O.V

A prince has come!!!

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A prince has come!!!

Back to Shin(I'll start calling her that and change her to him) P.O.V

As I asked her that,she nearly fainted.

Girls started squealing.

Than a tennis club (I suppose) is coming.More girl squealing could be heard.




The tennis team looked at me curiously. I just give them a polite smile,and went to the principal office.

Marui Bunta's P.O.V

"Wahhh!He's like a prince."I said to my bestfriend, Kuwahara Jackal.
He just nodded, obviously agree with me.

Shin's P.O.V

After I get my schedule,I went to my class.

Ringggg!! Ringggg!!
The bell rung and the student hurriedly went to their perspective class. class is in 1-A.The smart people class. Clìche.

I saw the sign and knocked.

I hear footsteps coming closer.

A man in teacher's uniform greet me.
"You must be the scholarship students, Akihito Shin.I'm your homeroom teacher, Zeren Alvinese. You can call Zen-sensei...." He stopped and I nodded.

"...when I give you a'come in' you could enter.Please wait for awhile." I nod again.

"Class,we have a new student today.Please come in"

3rd Person P.O.V

"Class,we have a new student today.Please come in"

A red haired,violet eyed,handsome boy come in.

"Introduce yourself"said Zen-sensei.

"Kon'nichiwa.Watashi no namaeha Akihito Shin desu.Hajimemashite."

(Good Afternoon.My name is Akihito Shin.Nice to meet you.) He introduced himself.

The students in the class went dead silent.

Zen-sensei smiled and ask his students,"Any question for Shin-san?"

Almost everyone raises his/her hands.
Shin just randomly choose a girl in front row.

"Favourite sports?"

"Tennis, Spparing, Basketball"

He choose another girl.

"What's your favourite food?"

"Rice Dish, Anything sweet, Tea"

"Searching a g-"

"No. And not interested yet"

"That's all!Sit near Kiko. Kiko,raise your hand!"

A guy with choco-brown hair and green eyes raise his hand while grinned.

I walk to him and re-introduced myself.

"Akihito Shin.Nice to meet you"

"Kiko Hitsuki.Nice to meet ya too."
Ringggg!! Ringggg!!

"Do you want to go to cafeteria with me,Shin-chan?"

"Of course Suki-chan~"

We laughed after then.

When we walk to cafeteria,we earned many stares.

"Look it's Akihito Shin.The transfer students!"

"He friend with Kiko-sama?As expected!"

"He's sooo cute!"


Kiko's P.O.V
"'s packed!"Shin said.

I chuckled.I like Shin already.Wait...I LIKE HIM?!SO....I'M...Gay?(Not too soon -v-)

"!!"I wake up from my daydream because of Shin shout.

Putting my smile-that make girls go to heaven- "What do you want Shin-chan?"I asked.

He pointed at sweet's station,"I want bubble gum and marshmallow!" He said childishly.

The girls around us started squealing.Telling how cute we are.Like brothers.They say.


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