Kicking Theo @$$

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You stood in the school gym with everyone from your grade as you awaited Coach's orders.
Coach stood proudly in front of you all and blew his whistle. You never knew why he did that because he already had everyone's attention, he just liked to blow on his whistle a bit too much.
"Self defence!" Coach yelled enthusiastically. "Is something you all need to be taught. Your headmaster thought you lazy teens could do with learning some. Especially with the crazy stuff going on around here, like people with arrows and half of the pupils being murdered due to some sacrificial pile of crap." Coach said starting to rant.
You zoned out of his rant, looking around the room, thinking about how one of your friends Erica, was murdered, you weren't sure how it happened but it did and it left you scared for life so you started to take up self defence classes, in fear something might happen to you like it did Erica.
You missed her a lot, not so much before she died, before she died she changed. She became the centre of attention as opposed to being ignored like you were, she dressed revealingly whereas before she stayed covered up, she just completely changed and you missed the old her.
"Y/L/N!" Coach shouted before blowing his whistle in your face. "Get on the mat!" He ordered.
You walked over to the mat, red faced and diverted your eyes to look at the ground.
"Raeken!" You heard coach yell. "You be the assailant." He said in a quieter yet still loud tone.
"Coach no offence to Y/N but I'll break her in half." The boy, Raeken said, eyeing you up and down whilst the class started to laugh.
You knew who he was, Theo Raeken, you knew that he was trouble, he wore a smirk that would either piss you off or make you melt, he also carried himself around as if he was the dogs bollocks, when really you could tell he probably has mummy issues or something.
"Try to avoid doing that." Coach ordered as he and the rest of the class gather around to see you defend yourself against Theo.
"I won't go too hard on you." Theo smirked walking behind you.
You heard him as he walked up behind you, placing his hand on your shoulder. Due to your reflexes since taking self defence classes you immediately grabbed his hand and flipped him over your shoulder, only to twist his arm and hold it against his back, pushing slightly to get pressure.
"Okay okay Y/N let go." Coach said coming up to you both. "Impressive." He smirked whilst helping Theo up.
"Are you okay?" You asked Theo as he stood up and stared at you.
"I want to go again, I was being too gentle." He said avoiding your question to ask coach.
"Sure." He shrugged moving off the mat.
This time when Theo came up behind you he put his arm across the front of your neck to put you in a headlock. You quickly stood on his foot and elbowed him in the groin, taking the arm that was holding you against his front and twisting it again so he was on the floor.
You moved so you could rest your knee against the small of his back, applying pressure. You weren't sure you were doing it right until you heard a whine from Theo as he pleaded to get you off him.
"Y/N come on, get off him." Coach said walking towards you but a boy, Stiles Stilinski quickly jumped in front of coach.
"Coach please let her stay there and hurt him some more." He pleaded with Coach. Coach stood there for a few more minutes before coming over to you and pulling you off Theo.
When Theo got up, he turned around and stared right at you. He started to move towards you so you moved back until you back hit something else, you turned to see another boy, Scott McCall looking down at you.
"S-sorry." You said moving away from him.
"You." Theo said before Scott had a chance to reply to you. "I want to go again." He ordered, pointing at the mat.
"Theo you're just mad she kicked your ass. Back off okay?" Stiles said, pushing the angry boy away from you.

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