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warnings: rough sex, swearing, dom!theo, overstimulation
The very moment Theo Raeken set foot on Beacon Hills soil, claiming that he was from fourth grade elementary, you immediately called bullshit. You remembered Theo from fourth grade, and there was no way that this was him.
The only problem was, no one else believed you, except for Stiles. The rest of the pack kept telling you to relax, and that you were overreacting. But you were quite sure you weren't overreacting. And you intended to prove it.
You had it all planned out. On a Friday evening, hours after sunset, you were going to go to Theo's house, and you were going to find out who he really was. It was a stupid plan, really. But you didn't care. You were sick of this pretty-boy walking around and making everyone around you trust him. You had to expose him for who he truly was.
"Explain to me again why you're going through with this plan by yourself, without any backup?" Stiles grumbled questioningly on Friday afternoon at school as you headed to your locker to put your things away for the day.
"Because I want to," came your simple reply. You put in your locker combination with ease before sliding the door open.
"But it's stupid! He'll probably like, kill you or something!"
"Who'll kill you?" An annoyingly familiar voice, velvety smooth by nature, came from behind you. Both of you jumped in surprise, whirling around at the same time.
"U-um, Theo, hey," Stiles spoke, and you were already rolling your eyes, knowing he was about to fuck everything up and give away your plan. "W-we were just talking about, uh–"
"We were talking about something that's none of your business," you inserted, kicking Stiles in the shin.
Theo raised an eyebrow at you. "You still don't trust me, do you?"
You shot him an obviously forced smile. "Absolutely not, Raeken."
He shook his head. "Huh, well I can promise you that you're gonna grow to like me, sweetheart."
You straightened your posture, giving him a poisonous look. "Don't ever call me sweetheart again, sweetheart."
"Ooh, my apologies, princess."
You almost punched him in the face, but then decided against it. knowing you would just look foolish after doing so.
"Uh, hey guys?" Stiles' nervous voice came from beside you, "maybe you should stop before you end up getting into a fight or something."
"Yeah, maybe we should," you said through gritted teeth, never taking your eyes off Theo.
He only scoffed, shaking his head. "See you around princess."
Then he was gone, leaving you silently fuming. "Oh, I'm going to fucking expose that little bitch," you grumbled, turning to shove your books into your locker before loudly slamming the door shut and storming off.
"Wait!" Stiles called, rushing after you, "are you sure you won't change your mind? About going to his house tonight alone."
"I'm more than sure. I need to do this by myself, Stiles. I'll text you the whole time though, if you want. Now I have to go, I have to do all my homework before tonight." Then you were gone, heading home on foot.
You were determined to expose Theo, and that was all you could think about for the rest of the day. Your homework was soon forgotten as you riffled through your closet that evening, in search of black clothing that would help you stay hidden within the night.
It wasn't long before you were dressed from head to toe in black, a dark beanie pushed low on your head, somewhat shielding your forehead. After lacing up your tennis shoes and slipping your phone into your back pocket, you were ready.
You crept down to the kitchen, locating the car keys, and finally, you stepped out into the night, the sound of chirping crickets filling your ears. You climbed into the car, promptly starting it. Then you were off, trying to remember the direction Theo's house was supposed to be.
You'd been planning this for a few weeks now, and you planned to succeed. You had to, otherwise you'd just end up looking like a complete idiot, and you had no desire of that.
Over the course of ten minutes, you were finally parked across the street, your eyes trained on the dark house that was supposed to be the living space of Theo Raeken. There were absolutely no lights on within the house, and there were no cars in the driveway. You began to think that no one was home, until a silver truck pulled into the driveway, and out stepped the very person you were waiting to see.
He grabbed his book bag from inside the truck, and then slammed the door shut, turning to head up to the house. But before he went inside, he paused, slowly turning to look out into the street. His face showed that he knew something wasn't right, and that's when he appeared to be looking directly at you.
With a gasp, you ducked, hiding yourself from sight. You stayed crouched down for a few minutes, hoping and praying he hadn't seen you. Finally, you popped back up, looking around to find that he'd long since gone into the house.
You sighed in relief, but that sigh was cut short when the car door came open and you were jerked from the car, the beginnings of a scream leaving your throat before a hand was placed over your mouth.
"What the hell are you doing, princess?" Theo's annoyingly smooth voice murmured.
Using all your strength, you shoved him away. "I'm exposing you," you shot back, staring angrily at him.
He raised his eyebrows. "I know, I heard you talking to Stiles earlier today about it."
"Oh really? So, you're an eavesdropper along with being a liar? Interesting."
He rolled his eyes. "I'm not a liar. Nor am I an eavesdropper. Hello, I have werewolf hearing. I couldn't help but overhear what you were saying."
"Oh, of course, how could I forget," you shot back, sarcasm sharp on your tongue.
"Come on, the rest of your pack trusts me. Why can't you?"
"Because, I know your story is bullshit. I remember Theo from fourth grade, and you're not him."
He laughed at that. "Seriously? You're gonna base nine year old me off of seventeen year old me? Do you not realize that people change when they grow up?"
"I do realize people change. But there is absolutely no way you're the same kid from fourth grade. I just have this feeling in the pit of my stomach. You're not Theo from fourth grade. There's absolutely no way."
"What, so you're a psychic now or some shit? You're just full of surprises, aren't you, princess?"
"I'm not psychic, I'm just smart. And I told you to stop calling me princess."
"You never told me to stop calling you that, you just told me to stop calling you sweetheart, so I did."
"Well, don't call me princess, either." You folded your arms across your chest, watching as he fought off a stubborn smirk.
"Wow, you sure are a bitch," he remarked, laughter in his voice.
"And you aren't?" You retorted.
He shrugged. "Well, let's put it this way. I'm not the one with ridiculous trust issues that keeps trying to prove that she's always right, even though she's totally wrong."
"Shut the fuck up, Theo. I'm not the only one who thinks you're a fraud!"
He scoffed, eventually turning on his heel, heading back to the house. You stubbornly followed after him, anger boiling in your veins. "Stiles feels the same way about you! He knows you're fake!" You exclaimed, stopping at the foot of the porch stairs as Theo paused at the front door to his house.
He turned to look at you, annoyance clear on his face. "Just because Stiles agrees with you doesn't make you right."
"No, but the thing is, we're going to find out who you really are. I swear to god, we will."
He shook his head, tromping down the steps so that he was standing on level ground with you. "Hm, okay, I suppose that also includes you stalking me and maybe...I dunno, tapping my phone lines? Are you seriously that psychotic?"
Threw your arms up, about ready to slap him in his unnaturally handsome face. "I'm not psychotic!" You cried, "you're the psychotic one! You're a goddamn liar, you're screwing all my friends over. You're going to hurt them, and I refuse to let that happen!" By now, you were yelling, your skin heating up with the fire of your anger. Theo was the only person who'd ever made you this enraged before, and you didn't like it one bit.
"Do you ever shut up?" Theo's voice was still calm, even after all the yelling you'd just done.
You let out a huff of frustration, slamming your hands against his chest in attempt to at least show him you weren't kidding. But he only laughed at your actions, reaching up to grab your hands to stop you from hitting him.
"Let go of me!" You nearly shouted, gritting your teeth as you struggled to pull away.
"I'll let you go as soon as you promise to stop trying to 'expose' me, or whatever the hell it is you're trying to do," he proposed, looking into your eyes.
"I will not promise that," you huffed, "you're a lying bastard."
He simply shrugged, his hands still holding yours. "Well I guess we're stuck like this for a while then, aren't we?"
You forcefully tried to pull away, resulting in him jerking you closer, your body colliding with his. For a moment, your breath left you, and you stopped struggling, the both of you standing completely silent. Your previous outburst was completely forgotten as you fully looked at Theo's face for the first time.
Sure, you'd looked at him plenty of times. But you'd never looked at him. You'd never taken notice of how particularly lovely his eyelashes were, or how his eyes seemed to have flecks of gold in them. or even the fact that he had a bit of a five o'clock gracing his face.
His eyes seemed to stare so deeply into your own, and you were now so close that you could feel his warm breath brush over your face. It was as if everything that had just happened was forgotten, lost in time as you stood practically frozen against the young werewolf.
Then he was kissing you, his lips trapping your own. That's when you realized what was happening, and you roughly pushed him away, taking a wobbly step backwards.
"You're just trying con me into trusting you!" You breathlessly exclaimed, your back running into the banister behind you.
"You're the most ridiculous person I've ever met!"
"Me?! You think I am ridiculous?! What about you, with your stupid fucking smirk and your stupid fucking laugh and your stupid fucking face. You act like everything is fine and dandy when in reality it's really not. You're a fraud!"
In the blink of an eye, his hand was around your throat, taking you completely by surprise. "Stop saying that!"
You stared intensely at him, your heart swelling with adrenaline. "Make me."
For the second time, you stood there, staring at each other, Theo's hand still wrapped around your throat. He wasn't choking you, though. He was basically just resting his hand there. Then he was kissing you again, hard and fast. There was no tenderness beneath the kiss. Only roughness.
It all went downhill from there as you completely let your guard down, allowing him to touch you and hold you close to him. At this point, you didn't even care anymore. You were too caught up in the moment to stop.
You allowed him to grab your wrist, pulling you up the porch steps and into the house. Your lips barely even left each other the whole time, the two of you in a frenzy, tripping over one another as you moved further into the darkened house.
Your back was pressed against a wall, and Theo's lips began tattooing themselves on your neck. He reached up, pulling off your hat before entangling his fingers in your hair, roughly pulling your head back so he could access the graceful curve of your throat.
While he was preoccupied, you moved to unzip your hoodie, revealing the fact that you were only wearing a bra underneath the jacket. Theo instantly noticed this, his eyes widening.
"Fuck," he said. He wasted absolutely no time in attending to the top swell of each breast, making sure to use his teeth to gently graze the delicate skin. You let your hoodie fall to the floor, then moving to tug at the hem of his shirt.
Then he was kissing your chest again, and you rolled your eyes, placing your hand on the back of his neck. "Are you gonna hurry up and fuck me, or are you just gonna stand here wasting time?"
At this, he broke into a grin. "I thought you'd never ask."
Everything moved so quickly after that. You rushed to unbuckle his belt, huffing in frustration when you couldn't get it off. He only laughed at you, pushing your hands out of the way to get rid of his himself, his jeans soon discarded on the floor.
You promptly moved to take off your own pants, leaving the both of you in nothing but underwear. Theo immediately lifted you into his arms, carrying you over to the couch, your back against the soft cushions. He straddled your hips, his hands running up your sides until he reached back to unhook your bra, tossing it away.
His warm, damp mouth enclosed around one of your nipples, and you shuddered at the gesture, leaning your head back. Theo was in no way being gentle or sweet, but it didn't matter to you. His roughness was turning you on considerably.
You could feel his hand slip down, moving your underwear aside to swipe his fingers along your slick center. He raised an eyebrow. "You're already soaking wet, princess," he murmured, "I guess you don't hate me as much as you imply."
"Shut up and do your job," you shot back.
"Whatever you say." Then two of his fingers were inside you, curling upwards quickly. You gasped, nearly choking on the air intake as you clawed at his shoulders with your fingers.
"Jesus, Theo," you groaned, leaning into his touch.
"I'm gonna make you forget the reason you even came here," he muttered, his mouth finding yours.
"You're gonna have to try really hard."
At that, he brought his thumb to your clit, mercilessly pleasuring you. You were quite possibly going to disintegrate into thin air at his burning hot touch. You were whining and shuddering beneath him, so utterly overwhelmed.
"Come on, princess. You know you want me to make you come," he taunted, his breath hot on your skin.
You only whined in reply, raising your hips in attempt to find more friction. You needed more. But Theo wasn't going to give it to you that easily. He slipped his fingers out of you, taking them into his mouth, tasting you, a sly smile on his face as he leaned forward.
"Why the fuck did you stop?" You grumbled, lightly slapping his chest.
He simply shrugged. "Because, I want you to beg for it."
Your eyes widened, but you didn't refuse. Frankly, the fact that he wanted you to beg was actually kind of hot. The only problem was, you were sure you would make a complete fool out of yourself.
"I've never begged before."
"Now's your chance, then." Then his hand was around your throat again. "What do you want me to do, princess?"
"I-I want you to make me come."
"Really? Because you don't sound that desperate."
"You'd better make me fucking come or I will do it myself," you growled, giving him a death glare. He only laughed, but nonetheless, he yanked your underwear down your legs, the fabric nearly ripping in the process.
Then his fingers were harshly attending to your clit, tracing figure eights. He watched your reaction, his eyes never leaving yours as he continued to pleasure your body in the best way possible. Not wanting to let him have all the fun by himself, you slipped your hand down his plaid boxers, grasping him with ease.
His composure almost faltered, but he quickly regained himself, gritting his teeth as he moved back to remove his underwear, leaving him bare to you. He forcefully moved your legs apart, positioning himself between them before he was inside of you, pulling a surprised gasp from your throat.
His strong hands gripped your hips, holding to them tightly as he began to move, his pace not the least bit gentle. "You don't give a girl much time to adjust, do you?" You breathlessly stated, and he only smiled.
You wrapped your arms around him, your nails scraping against his toned back. His fingers dug into your hips, and you could tell for certain that there were going to be bruises there later. "This is such a pretty view," he murmured through gritted teeth, looking down at you.
"The view from down here isn't too bad, either."
Heat was pulsing through your body, and your heart was racing, hammering against your ribcage. Gasps and moans were coming from both of you, the sound of skin on skin filling your ears. You lost focus on everything else but Theo, your eyes trained on his own as your stomach twisted in pleasure from your nearing release.
Theo lowered his head, his mouth next to your ear. "You feel so good wrapped around me," he gasped. his breath hot against your skin, "I could fuck you all day, princess."
You held onto him tighter, groaning as he picked up his pace. He grabbed your legs, lifting them to wrap around his hips, giving him a whole new range of motion and causing your eyes to practically roll back.
Your stomach was already tying in knots, a sure sign that your orgasm was close. You were surprised at how fast the feeling hit you, but you certainly weren't upset about it.
"I-I'm so close, Theo," you purred, your back arching and your chest pressing against his own.
He leans back, rolling his hips roughly, hitting just the right spot until you were writhing beneath him, so painfully close to a peak of pure intensity. You could feel the sweat on your skin, feel your cheeks heating up. Your senses seemed heightened, and you could feel every ounce of incredible bliss shuddering through you.
Then you were sent over the edge, your mouth falling open in a silent cry as your entire body was wracked with waves of euphoria, your core throbbing around Theo. Finally, you fell still against the couch, your breath leaving you in shallow gasps.
"That was the hottest thing I've ever seen," said Theo. You expected him to climb off of you and be done with it. But to your surprised, he was moving again, thrusting deeply into your slick heat.
His fingers were at your clit yet again, and the smallest of yelps left your mouth. "Oh god, I can't handle two orgasms in a row," you protested, but he only smiled.
"I'll make you handle two."
You cried out, your body still so sensitive from your most recent orgasm. But even so, you were a little curious to see if you could handle two orgasms in a row. Although, you didn't have much of a choice, as Theo was determined to make you have two.
"Wait," you huffed, pressing your hands against his chest, "let me ride you."
An almost gleeful smile found its way to his flushed face. "Yes ma'am." Quick as lightning, he had the both of you flipped over, leaving you on top of him.
With your hands still pressed against his toned chest, you began grinding down on him. He held your hips again, his eyes watching the place where your bodies met. Deep moans were leaving the back of his throat, and you sped up your pace, wanting to make him come, too.
"Holy shit, princess, we should've done this earlier."
At that, you worked on him more roughly, your leg muscles aching from the velocity of your movements, but you really didn't care. One of his hands reached up, grabbing your throat and pulling you down to him. You were no longer in control as he began to quickly thrust upwards, hitting just the right spot as he did so.
"Th-Theo," you softly whined, "I-I'm going to come again."
"Yes baby, come again."
You could barely breathe as your second orgasm tore through you, even more intense than the first. The feeling of you tightening around him brings Theo to his own high, and suddenly he's silent underneath you, throbbing inside you through his release.
Then you're lying there, both of you sweaty and breathless, your bodies completely exhausted. "You still want to try to expose me?" Theo finally spoke, and you rolled your eyes at this, moving to slide off of him.
"Yep!" You cheerily replied.
Theo rolled his eyes, though a smile was tugging at his lips. "You're some kind of bitch, you know that?"
"I'm aware. Now where's your bathroom? I need to get cleaned up."
"It's down the hall to the right."
Without another word, you gathered all your clothing, making your way to the bathroom. You flipped on the light and stepped inside, using the restroom and changing back into your dark clothes before sauntering back out to the living room, finding that Theo had gotten dressed, too.
"We're gonna have to do this again sometime," he cockily stated, and you rolled your eyes as you slipped your shoes on.
"In your dreams." You skipped to the door, swinging it open before heading outside, knowing full well that Theo would follow.
"See you around, princess," is what left his mouth next.
You shook your head at him. "See you around, Raeken. And remember, I still don't trust you."
And with that, you were gone, a smirk planted on your face the whole way home.

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