Thank You, Florida

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Marco Rubio was devastated. He was a total embarrassment to not only his family, but his state of Florida. The Floridan voters preferred Trump over him, even though Florida was Rubio's home state. When the results confirmed Trump had won, he cried for hours.

His wife and kids kept their distance, they'd even booked a separate hotel for themselves. Jeanette told him that she was embarrassed and that he made his family look like a joke. She then sent him an email with pictures attached. Marco looked at the pictures with curiosity as to what they were.

Divorce papers.

Jeanette had already filled out her portion. Despite trying to change her mind out it, he gave up, signed the papers, and emailed them back. He wanted to die. Not even his own wife loved him. Not that he loved her either - he was a closeted gay. Even so, Marco felt empty and hurt. He felt as though nobody loved him.

Now, he was laying on his bed, eating his feelings. He had gone through 2 jars of Nutella in the past week, and was watching debates he had been apart of. Tears filled his eyes as he laid there, wondering what had happened to him. He was the only one who could beat Hillary, yet he lost Florida. Marco didn't understand why the voters of Florida didn't vote for him.

Marco sighed, and got up to take a shower and make himself look somewhat decent, before getting out of his room and walking down to the bar in the hotel.

He sat on a stool, and ordered vodka. It burned his throat so bad, but he didn't care. Rubio sat there drinking, feeling sorry for himself. Donald was right, he was a loser. His former wife hated him, he couldn't run for governor of Florida, he couldn't rerun for Senate, he couldn't do anything in politics anymore. Marco had suffered the most embarrassing thing to happen to a politician.

The overwhelming guilt filled him, until he couldn't take it anymore. He downed his 5th drink in one go and sat there, head in his hands, crying. The vodka felt as if it had burned a hole in his throat. As he let his tears flow, he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. Immediately, Marco wiped his tears and looked behind him.

It was Ted Cruz. He held a glass of whiskey in his hand, halfway empty.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Florida on Tuesday. If it makes you feel better, I didn't win anything either." Ted sat on the stool next to Rubio, rubbing his shoulder softly.

"That's different, you didn't loose your home state! I'm a failure Ted, if my home state won't elect me then who will?" He said through tears, lifting his head from his hands. His eyes were red and puffy, and as Ted looked at him, he noted that he looked as if he had been crying for a really long time. He felt a pang of sympathy for him.

"The poor guy." Ted thought. "He must be going through a lot right now."

Before Ted could think, he blurted out, "Hey, wanna come to my room? Maybe I can help you feel better?" Oh god, that sounded really sexual... Hopefully Marco didn't take it that way..

Whether it was the alcohol or not, something told the Floridan to say yes. Marco sniffled lightly before he whispered, "Sure."

"Let's go then." Ted got off the stool, but before he did so, paid for both him and Rubio's drinks. Marco looked at him, confused.

"Hey you don't have to pay for that, it's fin-" Marco was cut off by Ted.

"It's the least I can do, c'mon." Ted gestured Marco in his direction. Marco hesitated, before following the older senator out of the bar and to his room.

In the elevator, Marco looked down at his ring, before taking it off and throwing it on the elevator floor. Ted gave him a strange look.

"We're getting divorced." Marco confessed, his face turning red. The younger man felt tears well up in his eyes before wiping them off with his hands. He had done all he could for his family, and this is how he was repaid. 

Before Ted could do anything to comfort him, the elevator opened. Ted led Marco to his room. He unlocked the door, and allowed Marco in first. Marco took off his shoes, and, as Ted gestured sat on the bed. Ted soon followed, sitting next to him.

The young senator couldn't help himself and began crying again. Ted wrapped his arms around him. Marco accepted the hug, wrapping his arms around Ted tight, crying into his shoulder. The older's suit was being soaked, but he didn't care. All he was focused on was comforting this poor man. This poor man who lost everything due to one state.

After what felt like hours of Ted comforting Rubio, Marco finally stopped crying, lifting his head from Ted's shoulder.

"T-thank you.." Marco said, looking up at the older Senator.

Ted rubbed his back, smiling at him. "No problem. I'm glad you're feeling better. Anything else you want?

"Can I have your number if it's alright?" Marco asked, his voice slurring slightly.

"Sure." Cruz told him the number, and Rubio made it a contact.

"You know what, I don't think it's safe for you to go to your room right now. You're drunk, God knows what could happen."

The vodka must have mind controlled Rubio. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea," he said, the alcohol getting to him even more than it did before.

Ted wasn't nearly as drunk as him, so he helped Marco out of his pants, suit and tie, leaving him in just a shirt and boxers. He tucked Marco into bed, but before so gave him some Advil to help with the drunkness. He left the bottle of pills on the dresser, left a trash can near his bed in case he needed to throw up during the night, and left to go take a shower.

Marco eventually fell asleep, his headache getting better slowly.

After Ted came back from the shower, he smiled as he saw sleeping Marco.
He looked adorable.

It was wrong for him to think this, as a Republican and a Christian, but he had always had feelings for the younger man. He knew most likely Marco didn't feel the same.

He laid in bed next to Marco, and fell asleep.


"Morning Marco, how'd you sleep?" Ted asked, looking softly at the Floridan.

He nodded his head slightly. "Ok, I guess."

Something in the back of Marco's mind said, "Tell him how you feel."

He barely had a chance to think before he blurted out, "Ted, can I tell you something?"

"Sure, what is it?" Ted sat on the bed next to him.

Marco took a deep breath in before he said, "If you think I'm disgusting after this and you never want to talk to me again, that's alright."

"Marco, I could never think you're disgusting. You're one of the best people I know."



Marco looked deeply into the older man's eyes before whispering, "I like you."

"What?" Ted couldn't hear him, as his voice was so soft.

"I like you. I've liked you ever since my first day in the Senate. I know you have a wife and I know you love her more than anything so it's ok if you don't-" Ted cut off Marco's rambling, kissing the younger man softly. Marco's eyes widened, but soon closed. He melted into the kiss, hugging Ted. Ted hugged tighter, placing his hand on the back of Marco's head, forcing him deeper into the kiss. After a while, they both needed air and pulled away.

They both sat there for a minute, panting. Ted smiled. "I like you too." Marco blushed deeply, his face turning a shade of bright red.

"How will we hide this from Heidi?" Marco asked. Ted ran his fingers through Little Marco's hair and sighed.

"I don't know, but we will."

(A.N. Should the next chapter be smut or no?)

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