Part 27

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  In London
Sid comes to nandini's home
(nandini has forgiven sid.. nd now he's just a friend to her he used to take care of her every day..)

Nandini:-come sid..

Sid:-so.. how's going everything..

Nandini:-gud.. nd i've given my exams on9

sid:-that's good..

Just then nandini was not feeling well she went to washroom nd vomitted..

Sid:-ur okk


Sid:-i think we need to go to doc

Nandini;-but sid..

Sid:-no but what.. ur not well nandini from last few days ur continuosly vomitting.. nd yesterday u fainted also..
we are going to doc.. aaj shaam so be ready.. ok baba fine..

At Mumbai..
Manik was badly hurt inside.. he broke up with pita as he concerned a lawyer.. nd it was written on the papers that he have to do engagement with nyonika's choice but not marriage.. nf if he don't liked the girl so he can broke up..

nd after that break up.. manik was completely heart broken.. everybody were trying to console him.. but he was still same
as they all have completed their exams so.. they descided to make their band famous at national nd international level famous.. nd also manik joined his dad's buosness.. as he don't want his friends and family to suffer because of him..

In London
At Hospital
After checking nandini..
Sid:-doc.. what happened..

Doc:-well i've examined her nd checked her reports..

Sid:-whats it..

Doc smiles:-their's nothing to worry.. congratulations nandini.. ur pregnent..

They both were shocked..
Doc:-now u need to take care of urself nd ur baby.. nd ur already weak so be care full..

Outside the hospital
Sid:-nandini.. !! nandini..!!

Nandini:-sid take me home..

He silently took her back to home

After coming from hospital their was silence in the house..
and after a while.. nandink broke the silence..

Nandini:-i'll keep this baby..

Sid:-nandini.. ars you sure.

Nandini:-yess i am.. i know i loved manik more then my life i trusted him more then my self.. but even then he played with my feelings and hurted me.. but not now..

Sid:-so u'vd descided..


Sid:-fine then i'm with u.. in ur every descision

Nandini:-yhnx sid for being their

Sid:-any time..

Time was passing like sand..
Dhruv alya.. nd cabir navya wers married..
Mukti and naya were also going to have baby...
as well as.. their professional life was going with full speed..

Sid was taking care of nandini at abscence of manik.. as their were complications.. with nandini.. but still he used to take care of her.. take her to hospital..

and finally aftet 9 months
After so much of complications..

Nandini gave birth to a baby boy..

and after a while she was happy to see her child..

Sid:-nandini.. i think we should tell him now..

Nandini:-no sid.. promiss me.. u will never tell anybody about him.. he's only mine child.. i'll give him all the love all care.... he'only my child..

Sid promisses her...

And while..
mukti gave birth to a boy nd navya gave birth to a girl..

Everyone life was going with new beging.. nd
5 Years past...
Everything was changed in these past few years.. fab5 was now a world famous band na manik company was one of the indian best company.. he was living his life with a guilt of hurting nandini..

While after completing graduation..
nandini started her own buisness..
now she was not only the owner of london's top company.. but she was a best event manager as well a fashion designer.. she is multi tasking..
to avoid her bitter memories with manik.. but in this whole world beside everyong thing their is one person she loves the most and can't live without him nd can do anything for his smile..

and that is none other then his son manan..  

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