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Hey there it is me penguinn2003!

This is my first time writing a story so please spare me on he countless flaws I will most likely make and the spelling errors you would most likely meet in the whole story....

What is this story about?
First let me tell you what made me think of writing this book... It was a challenge by my friend. I didn't think much about it at all to be honest... Afterall, what can be so hard about writing a simple love story? How wrong can I be... I didn't have any experience in love... How was I possibly going to be writing a book about love?!?!?! It doesn't even make sense...
But anyways... I am here trying to start writing so yeah, spare me with lame plots and many other flaws... Feel free to jot down comments and help me improve my story!!!

Ok back to the question....
This story is about 2 friends walking through a period of 6 months... Slowly , from strangers to the bestest of friends, from the bestest of friends to a young dating couple... Regardless of the number of differences they had between each other, they were both crazy in love with each other when Katherine had to leave to a place far far away....

Sorry that's all I can tell you... :(


Written with much weirdness,

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