Her Death

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Everything slows down. I look below and see Gwen falling. I know I can save her, I have to save her. I shoot a web straight down to her. She looks up at me and I can see the expression on her face that she knows this is the first and last time I won't be able to save her.

I don't give up hope as my web shoots down and finally reaches her body. It snatches her body and stops her right before she hits the roaring ocean waves. I stand on top of the Brooklyn Bridge filled with joy thinking I've saved her. I fill with excitement as I pull her up, imaging her coming up and smiling, thanking me with everything she has for saving her life. I would say I'm glad I caught her, that I love her so much and I'd never let anyone hurt her.

I pull her up and all my thoughts crash down. All my joy turns into sadness and all my excitement turns into fear as I see her eyes are closed, her body completely motionless. I lay her down in front of me, resting her head slightly elevated on my right hand. I take off my mask to see her with my own eyes and shake her shoulder back and forth, hoping it'll wake her up from her endless sleep. "Gwen... Gwen wake up! I saved you Gwen... I saved you..." I lie to her and myself as I realize that I didn't save her. I failed, I let her die... I let the woman I loved most in this world slip through my fingers and now there's no saving her. She's gone and it's all my fault.

I bury my face in her neck as my eyes fill with tears. They slide down my cheeks and fall, landing on her lifeless body. I try my hardest to think that this is just a dream or a mere thought and that in reality, I really did save her. I know deep in my heart though that this is real. Gwen Stacy, the woman I loved is dead. I forget about everything else in this cruel world, my only focus is on the woman I love most who is dead.

My thoughts go back to the first day we met, the day I asked her out, our first kiss, her loving heart, her incredible knowledge and her plans for her future... She'll never become the scientist she dreamed of being, she'll never have the two kids she always wanted, we'll never get married, she'll never grow old and die happily ever after...

My now empty heart finally sees what is real in this cruel world. Happy ever after isn't real, it's just something we're told as kids so we can have hope when we grow older. But hope is probably the most deceitful thing someone can be given. It makes us think that our problems and our lives will eventually get better, no matter how shit everything really is. It's what makes people believe they can do things they really can't. Without it, there would be no disappointment. No one would have to go through any suffering.

I know the true reason I was given these powers... And now I know what I must do.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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