As they arrived to the home of Kankri. Cronus kissed his cheek. Making kankri blush a little. He parted ways. Walking home. Kankri sneaked thought the front door. He turned on the lights to what seemed to be his father. Disappointed looks at him "You know your grounded. Right? The punishment. You are not to go out with Mr Ampora. No texting either. You hear me. Go to your room. Also I will inform Mr. Ampora about his sons misconduct." This was the actual first time you got 'Grounded'. Not saying a word like usual. You walked to you room. Texting Cronus what happened.
Kankri: Cr9nus my dad f9und 9ut. He's g9nna tell y9ur father. Just s9 I inform y9u 6ef9re. I n9t a6le t9 talk t9 y9u f9r wh9 kn9ws l9ng.
Cronus: Wvait he wvas up still? So he wvaited all night to wvait up . Howv does that evwen wvork? My dad wvouldn't do that. He wvould interigate me. But yeah my gonna expect being grounded.
Cronus: awvwv man. That fucking sucks. Wvell I'll wvait for you. On the other side.
Kankri: /: I kn9w right. 6ut I'll speak t9 y9u at sch99l. L9ve y9u.
Cronus: lovwes ya' twvo bye.