2 Weeks Later.....
Asia P.O.V.
Its been 2 weeks since I've announced my pregnancy and so far I haven't gotten out of the house, checked on anyone, or went to dance rehearsal. I've just been in the house laid up with Julian when he doesn't have to work in the day. Ive been so depressed. I got up to use the bathroom. Being pregnant I've been peeing every 3 seconds. I sat on the toilet and felt pains shoot through my stomach. "Ooh ooh ow." I said softly holding my stomach. I tried to stand but fell back onto the toilet. My phone was in the bedroom so I couldn't call anyone. I pee'd and it came out with what felt like chunks and then I felt something big. "Ahh." I responded at the giant pain that fell throughout my stomach and vagina.One I stopped peeing I whipped and looked down at a red mess. "What?" I looked confused as I saw it. I gabbed a pad from the cabinet beside me and put it on. I finished whipping and pulled on my pants. I got up and turned to flush but screeched once I saw a tiny infant that was a white-ish color pass all the red blood. I cried once I noticed I miscarried. "No! No! I didn't!" I sobbed. I left the blood in the toilet with the infant and grabbed my keys and phone. I left on my lounge attire I had on (In MM) and ran to the car. As I sped to the Hospital I called Julian. "Hello?" I heard him answer. I sobbed in the phone with every word.
"Julian cone quick to the hospital something happened with the baby!"
"What's wrong?"
"I don't know Julian but I'm scared!"
"Don't worry I'm on my way!"
I drove down to the emergency part with a blurred vision. Once I got there I didn't park in the parking lot. I hit the breaks in front of the Hospital. I slid over the passenger side and opened the door. I looked over at the ambulance that looked like it had just arrived pulled out gurneys. I limped out clutching my stomach. As soon as I hit the side walk my vision blurred more and I started to see two. I fell to the sidewalk. I blacked out. "Help Me!" I said weakly before hearing it. The sound of silence, nothing as if I was death in the ears. I saw a bright light shine ahead. Then there it was I felt death take over me.
Julian P.O.V.
I rushed out the trap to my car. "Aye where you going Demon! We gotta make this drop!" I heard Caro. "My girl at the hospital!" I yelled getting soaked from all the rain outside. "So!" I heard him yell. I gave him a 'nigga really' look. "Yo! She carrying my seed!" I yelled and jumped in the car shutting my car door. I was doing 90 down the highway and I ain't give no fucks. Better me get in a car crash than something happen to her or my seed. I slowed down when all the cars in front of me where in a big ass line I took assumption that there was car crash. "Shit!" I yelled and banged my hands on the steering wheel. "Ah! I gotta get out this bitch!" I mumble yelled to myself. I took deap breaths. "Ugh! Think Julian think." I whispered to myself. A light bulb went off in my head.I opened my car door and jumped out the car. "Aye! What are you doing!" I head a angry man voice behind me. I flicked him off and ran down the highway in a black tee, and gray sweatpants. I heard ladies worry. "Oh my! He doesn't have on a jacket!" I heard a lady yell. "That boy gone catch the ammonia." I heard a old lady say. I didn't care I continued to run once I made it at the end of the highway I stopped at a red light I shook my head and continued to run then I felt a big ass pain and my body been forced to rush to the left. "Aww!" I yelled. I looked to the side to see a very cheap ass broke down Honda in the side of me. I prayed in my head and closed my eyes knowing I was about to die.
Leon P.O.V.
"Man you betta chill out wit dat shit! You killing my high!" I yelled at Kiana. "You know what fuck you! Fuck you Leon! I shouldn't have slept with you in Florida or did Tristan like that! I'm leaving!" I saw her stomp to the door. I quickly stood. My high was officially blown. "No, baby. No, baby. I'm sorry just don't leave me." I grabbed her hand and kissed it. I started to such on her neck. "Uh. Leon why do you do this." She moaned. "You make me a weak women." She moaned. "And you make me a weak nigga." I kissed her neck. We were cut off by the phone ringing. "Let it ring." I said. It finally stopped then ring again. "Answer it." She told me. "Nah whoever it is can wait." I continued kissing her. The phone stopped then rang again. I sighed in frustration and stomped to the coffee table and angrily grabbed my phone."Who?" I answered rudely and didn't give a fuck. They was messing with my time wit my girl. "Is this Mr. Leon Riverèz?" A lady on the other end asked. I scoffed at my last name. I've been hating it ever since my mother told me Andrew was my dad. My last name reminded me of her since it was her families last name. "Who is asking?" I asked. I ain't tryna get caught for no fed case. "I'm Kiesha from Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta Is this Mr.Riverèz because I can't reveal confidentiality of the patients if you aren't the person sir." She said. "Yes this is me." I sighed. "We have patient Asia Jackson here. We called her parents but they didnt answer and you were the next contact. She has had a miscarriage and on her way here she lost much blood and when she finally made it she bled into shock so she was suspected to be in a coma but she survived and made it she is now resting. I had to call you because she is not yet legal and she will be out tomorrow morning." The lady told me. "Alright, I'm on my way." I said grabbing my jacket off the coat rack.
"Wait sir. We have another patient Julian Robin you and Tristan Lycamp were on his contacts. Although he is 18 we thought we should inform you he was hit in a hit and run he was not in a car at the time so he has suffered from broken ribs, and a bruised leg. But with 4 months of crutches and a cast he will be fine and we have medicine for the bruises to go back to normal." She informed. "Alright here I come." I said hanging up and saving the apartment. I ran down the steps and went to the hospital.
2 Days Later.....
Julian P.O.V.
I woke up in hospital bed like I did yesterday. I tried to move but couldn't I heard Leon was here but he only came for a second yesterday to check on me and said Asia had to stay one more day like me to take some meds and be monitored. He never said what was up with the baby but I'm happy cause today this morning I get out this hell hole. Then I'll go check on my babies. I called Tristan and he signed my discharge papers then walked with me to Asia's room. We went in and Leon was there. I felt the high tension in the room. "Uh T how bout you wait outside." I cleared my throat. "Yeah I'll go do dat." He mumbled walking out.I looked over at Asia who was sleep. "Asia." I called softly and she awoke. She immediately started crying. "What's wrong babe? Hows the baby?" I walked over and touched her shoulder. She touched my hand and looked at me with her glossy eyes. "Julian, I had a miscarriage." She cried. "What?" I asked as if I didn't hear her correct. "Wh-wh-what did you say?" I asked. "Dawg the baby ain't make it." Leon looked over at me. I backed up from the bed. "What you mean?" I shook my head. "Uh, uh dis ain't happen." I shook my head again. I paced. I touched my chin. I turned and looked at Asia wickedly. "You never wanted my seed." I pointed at her. "What?" She looked at me shocked. "You know what you killed my seed on purpose." I snapped and pointed my fingers." "Jul-ju-Julian I wouldn't do that.." She sobbed harder. "Calm down bruh she ain't know she was depressed it ain't her fault." Leon said. "Bullshit when you out yo shit outside my house peace I'm out." I chucked up my dueces and left.

Thug From Around The Way
Teen FictionAsia Jackson was your normal good girl, a honors student, loves to cheer and dance in her spare time. But some how a blast from the past she's forgotten shows up. The boy from around the way or next door in their case. After taking separate paths an...