Asia Jackson was your normal good girl, a honors student, loves to cheer and dance in her spare time. But some how a blast from the past she's forgotten shows up. The boy from around the way or next door in their case. After taking separate paths an...
EndofSeniorYear TristanP.O.V Lately I been in my own shit. I heard Leon quit the game cause he was scared to face me. Pussy ass. I thought his ass would be the last to quit especially since he's a hothead. But I been on my own sit I work smoke and go out partying. I'm just doing shit. I still ain't jumping bed to bed but my needs get satisfied. I just get sucked and it be from clean mouth girls. I fuck once every month or two but get sucked once every week and a half. I don't associate wit the clique no mo but I check on Asia every now and then make sure she cool and shit cause I know its hard for her to with the miscarriage and Julian was fucked up.
As for Kiana. I ain't hung on her no more. I really just wish she's happy and everything I ain't give to her Leon do. I know its still fucked up he fucked my girl and I should forgive him but I'm just not like that but I guess I'm just chillin. But I hear her and Leon left and she went to Colgate in Hampton. Asia in high school happy that school is nearly close to a end. She still plans on Juilliard but she hasnt dance much since the miscarriage. Julian on the other hand he cool he ain't fucked nobody since Asia. Might just be suffering from blue balls for it but he been alright. He won't admit he miss Asia but we know it. We bouta go hang at the baseball field where errbody hang at when school end and I invited Asia so I don't know what's gone go down.
Asia P.O.V. "Hey Asi cute outfit." Michael flirted. Yepe Kiana's brother he flunked last year I guess. Stupid ass but he is awesome on our football team. "Thanks." I smiled and pulled my leather brown back pack on my back more securely. (Outfit In MM) "You going to the field tonight?" He asked. I thought about. "Uh I'm not sure." I made a nervous smiled. I was invited by Tristan but something in my gut was telling me stay home. Oh and I've been staying in a Condo by myself since Julian bitch ass kicked me out but lord let me not get on that subject. Michael sucked his teeth. "Man why not?" He whined. "I'm just not in the mood." I frowned. "Please?" He begged. "Alright I'll go." I caved easily.
He smiled. "See you there sexy." He winked. I chuckled and hopped in my Camaro. I've been working two jobs at FootLocker and store clerk at a hair store 3 days a week. My schedule is clear on Fridays and Saturdays like today. I drove to my condo and striped to my underwear and pulled a long T-shirt on and fell back in my bed. I signed in relief. "Me, myself, and I." I mumbled. I drifted to asleep.
JulianP.O.V. "Aye D, you going to the field tonight?" Vex asked. "Yea I guess." I said then took a long drag out the blunt I was smoking. "Oh Yea about that." Tristan started. "I invited Asia." He said making my eyes wide. "What nigga?" I looked at him like he was crazy. "Yea." He said lowly. "Nigga you bouta blow my high now. Shit." I mumbled. "Its cool Jul ain't gone be no problems. Long as you don't start none." He told me. "Alright I feel you drama free." I nodded. "Yea so stay cool." Tristan commented. "Whatever." I said getting back into my high state.
AsiaP.O.V. I woke up after my good nap and showered. I did my hygiene and everything. After I slid on my Nike Sports Bra, and Boy shorts. I looked at my body in the mirror. My body had gotten more curvier since the miscarriage. I felt bad about bringing that up cause tears started to stream down. I did a big sniffle and breath out. I went and washed my face then smiled. "You alright Asia." I seem to tell myself that from time to time. I sighed and changed.
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