The Promise

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Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away- Mark 13:31

Our God takes great delights in making and keeping his promises. Throughout the Bible you will see numerous instances of God making promises to his people, everyone of them has come true or will come true. The greatest promise God made in the Old Testament is that of the Messiah or Savior. Jesus was the fulfillment of that promise.

If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth.- John 14:15-21

Jesus made a promise to all those who accept, love and follow him. It is one of THE defining promises of the New Testament. It is promised that God himself will come and live inside your spirit and have fellowship with you.

Therefore being by the right hand of God exalted, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, ...- Acts 2:33

The Holy Spirit was promised by God through Jesus for the benefit of all those who believed in him and obeyed him. If God gives you something, you can take for granted that it is better than anything the world can give you.


God promised Abraham that he will have a great number of children and he will greatly be multiplied. He fulfilled it and grew Jacob to become a whole country which we know today as Israel.
God promised Joshua victory, he went on to destroy Jericho in the most miraculous possible way, they did nothing but march around the city. God himself brought down the walls and gave them victory.
God promised Noah he will save his family, they were saved when they entered the ark, he later promised Noah that there will never be a flood like that again.
God promised you and me eternal life, he gave us his only son so we can be saved. An estimate shows that God has made around 3000 promises throughout the Bible, each of them has come true or will come true. God's Word is one of greatest assurances we have as a believer.


*God is as good as his word, if he promises something he will fulfill it.
*Don't delay receiving the Holy Spirit, it is truly in your best interests that God grants him to you.

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