Kagura of the Wind

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Weeks had flown by and you hadn't heard anything from Naraku, you haven't even dared to try and ask Sesshomaru about the deal he had made and what the consequences could possibly be. Winter had arrived sooner than expected as it was much colder than normal so this restricted Rin and you from going anywhere outside the village. Rin didn't seem to mind staying behind as Sesshomaru grew more and more impatient and suddenly took off taking Jaken with him. Rin predicted they'll be back sooner than expected since Jaken was notorious for complaining about the cold and Sesshomaru would become fed up with him. You sat quietly inside Kaede's small home sipping away at the mint tea she had brewed. You listened intently to Rin's small squeals as she ran excitedly around the village with the other children due to the light snow that was settling on the ground. You had made sure she have bundled herself up heavily as you had caught her days earlier running around in nothing but her kimono and her worn sandals. Kaede spoke no further about your sudden recovery and whenever you asked she narrowly avoided the question by telling you that you were a fast healer. You nodded obviously not believing her as she seemed distraught when talking about it. You quickly set down your tea as you began hearing a small ringing noise that seemed to grow louder by the second. Kaede stared confused at you as you quickly excused yourself and exited the warm home and into the bitter cold winter air. You stalked quietly off towards the village entrance and caught sight of a beautiful woman standing motionless. Her eyes remained trained on you as you cautiously approached her and nodded curtly. "A-Are you with Naraku?" you asked nervously as she laughed teasingly at you. "Its seems like it," her voice laced with an unknown source of hatred. "You are Sesshomaru's lover, no?" her eyes seemed hurt at the mere mentioning of Sesshomaru. You wondered what relation she has with him. You nodded slowly as she made a soft clicking noise with her tongue. "So..?" you asked questionably as she stood idly staring at you. 

She suddenly scrunched up her nose as if disgusted as you felt a familiar presence behind you. "What is your business here Kagura?" you heard Sesshomaru's monotone voice ask from behind. She clenched her hands into tight fists as she suddenly spun around and unattached a white feather from her hair. "I don't have time for this," she muttered as she quickly left the village grounds. You stared confused as Sesshomaru slowly turned around and began walking back towards the village. You sighed, "Have you two met before?" you asked somewhat frustrated as he ignored your question. "Hurry up and return to the village or I'll leave you behind," he said lamely. You huffed softly as you trailed behind Sesshomaru and pressed on, "Sesshomaru who is Naraku?" you asked annoyed. "His name should not concern you," he said flatly. You sighed. "Than why have I constantly been hearing his name?" you asked. Sesshomaru ignored you again. "Sesshomaru," you said angrily as he finally came to a stop. "His name should not concern you," he said angrily as he went ahead of you and entered the village back alone.


Nightfall had soon arrived and you lay silently within Kaede's home, with Sesshomaru nowhere in sight. You sat up abruptly as a soft tapping noise could be heard at the door. Standing up cautiously you approached the door and slowly slide it open revealing Kagura's impatient face. "I made sure of that he was not here before coming back again," she whispered somewhat angrily. "Is there something I need to know?" you asked lamely as she sighed. "Naraku just wants me to make sure you haven't said anything to Sesshomaru," she said annoyed. You nodded slowly before opening your mouth, "What connection do you and Sesshomaru have? He's not exactly expressive about his past so I don't know much about him..." you said sheepishly. She frowned as the familiar look of sorrow flickered in her eyes, "I wouldn't rely on me for that kind of information," she said flatly before turning away and disappearing off into the moonless night. You sighed softly before returning back to the worn tatami mat you slept on.


You winced tiredly as several rays of sunlight peeked inside the small home. Sitting up you found yourself alone in the small home. Rin and Kaede must already be doing their own thing, you thought to yourself as you stood tiredly and stretched. Sesshomaru was nowhere insight as usual. As you exited the house you spotted Kaede further off in the village speaking to the familiar group of people you had met when dealing with a certain lovesick god. Kaede quickly took notice of you and waved you over. "(F/N) if you do not mind, can you take Kagome and Sango to the river to bathe," she said as she gestured over to the two women who smiled gratefully at you. You nodded and quickly lead them to the river bank. "So, I hear you and Sesshomaru are lovers?" Kagome asked curiously as she undressed and stepped into the cold river water. She let out a shaky sigh as she forced herself deeper into the freezing water, Sango soon followed her procedure and you sat down idly by the river bank. "I suppose we are," you said smiling weakly. Kagome nodded slowly. "E-Er... Kagome do you happen to know who u-uh Naraku is?" you asked sheepishly as she suddenly looked up confused at you. "I do," she said somewhat strictly. Taking a shaky breath you quickly explained yourself to the two women who nodded their heads obviously very interested in this information. And upon finishing Kagome wore a puzzled face. "I don't understand why couldn't Sesshomaru just use his Tenseiga if he knew you wouldn't survive," she looked up at you before looking back at Sango who simply shrugged. "The Tenseiga has the ability to revive a person only once right? Maybe he chose to save that chance for a more dire situation... He'd probably been planning to use the sword but Naraku dropped a deal too precious to deny right onto his lap," she muttered. You nodded slowly as the two women soon gave in and exited the freezing river and made a change into new clothing.

A/N: Hello! ♥ I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry if it wasn't as interesting. Hopefully, the next chapter will be more interesting. I'm finally on spring break too and updates should be a little more frequent. Despite it being spring break guys Virginia is getting two inches of snow on Sunday?! But today it was in the 70s so I honestly don't know anymore. Please excuse any mistakes!

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