Day Two

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  "W-Wait!" you cried out in a attempted to follow after him, however, even after calling out to him he ignored you; which wasn't much of a surprise.   


You trailed behind the eerily quiet demon for what felt like hours. He soon came to a stop.

"Go away or I'll kill you," he said indifferently.

"I-I have to find a m-meaningful way to thank you for saving me.." you felt panic arise in your body.

"Have you no sense of danger?" he said flatly.

"Not that I know of" you muttered.

"Then give me the pleasure of killing you and I'll accept that as my thanks" he said in a monotonic voice. You were at a complete loss of words until he finally began moving forward again. You trailed behind him once again. Upon following him you encountered several demons in which he easily slayed. This gave you the impression he took at least some haste with your safety.


The sun soon began setting and you felt yourself come to a stop as you realized he was closing in towards a group containing a small child and demon. He quickly took notice of your actions and spoke up.

"You choose to follow a demon all day but the mere sight of a small human girl and a tiny demon scares you away?" he said in a mocking tone.

"I-I'm not afraid.." you mumbled as the small group took notice of both you and the demon. The little girl began shouting what you assumed to be his name.

"Welcome back Lord Sesshomaru!" she said joyfully. You felt awkward as she took notice of you.

"Who's this you've brought back Lord Sesshomaru?" she asked.

"No one," he said flatly as he sat down in front of a large tree. His eyes occasionally glanced towards you as the small girl began ushering you towards the small fire she had set up.

"That's enough Rin." said the smaller demon.

"Aw but Master Jaken!" cried Rin. 

"Rin." Sesshomaru said in an authoritative tone. Rin soon fell silent and the only noises that could be heard were the crackling of the fire. As you glanced upwards you caught Sesshomaru staring at you.

"I-Is something wrong?" you nervously asked. He ignored you and turned the other way. You sighed quietly before drifting off to sleep.

○ ○ ○

When you awoke you realized that Rin had been shaking you awake.

"We're leaving now!" she cried out as she realized you'd finally awoken. You nodded your head in response and trailed behind the small group. Rin skipped happily beside Sesshomaru who didn't bother to show you any acknowledgment.

"Lord Sesshomaru where are we going today?" cried Rin, as she tugged on his white kimono. Jaken spoke up hastily.

"Leave master Sesshomaru alone Rin!" he cried out while shaking his wooden cane violently at her. She shrugged and asked Sesshomaru again.

"We're going to drop that pestery human off at a village." he said indifferently. Rin sighed as if she were in agony.

"But Lord Sesshomaru! I want her to stay!" she cried out.

"Master Jaken gets so boring!" She complained. Jaken gasped upon hearing her words.

"I am not boring, stubborn child! Maybe we should leave you in the village with the woman!" his voice squeaked as he screamed childishly at Rin. 

"Enough.." Sesshomaru sternly said obviously fed up. Rin finally turned and rushed up towards you, grabbing onto your hands.

"Lord Sesshomaru! Look! There's a river, may we go and bathe for a bit?" she smiled as Sesshomaru gave her permission. She happily dragged you towards the river. You'd both quickly undressed and headed inside the sun-warmed water. Rin joyfully swam, as she flung water everywhere.

"I never did learn your name, my name is Rin!" she squealed happily. You smiled.

"My name is (F/N)" you chuckled as she dove underneath the water and quickly rose back up gasping loudly and throwing her arms up causing water to once again fly everywhere. Your thoughts soon consumed you as you sank down a little deeper in the water muting all the noises Rin made. 

I wonder what kind of state the village is in.. My decision may have been selfish, but I couldn't let my existence perish so quickly.

You glanced upwards and realized Rin had gotten out and was tying her kimono. She laughed as you hastily exited the water and dressed. Smiling, you swiped at Rin and she let out a joyful squeal as she ran deeper into the forest. You laughed as you ran after her, failing to notice how far away the two of you were from Jaken and Sesshomaru. 

"I'm gonna get you!" You laughed in a singsongy voice until Rin suddenly came to an abrupt stop. You stared confusedly as you realized what she had been staring at. You'd both pretty much walked into plain view of a group of bandits who stared mischievously at the sight of you and Rin. You quickly placed your hand on Rin's shoulder and pulled her closer to you.

"C'mon Rin.. Lord Sesshomaru is waiting.." you both awkwardly stepped back into the dense forest as the group of bandits began approaching. 

"Thank the gods' boys.. I've been so bored and just when I succumb to the boredness these girlies wandered in.." his grin widened as he dashed towards you and Rin. You flinched as Rin muffled her scream by pushing her face into the fabric of your kimono. You cried out as the man yanked you away from Rin.

"This one is good for picking.." his hands yanked violently at your kimono, trying to expose as much as he could.

"The child is much too young for my liking, so just get rid of her" he mumbled obviously fixated on trying to strip you down.

"No!" you screamed. The man chuckled lowly as he yanked you closer.

"Don't worry she'll be out of her misery soon.." he muttered as his hand shot down your kimono. You cried out again, however, your cries were muted out as several of the bandits cried out in pain. You gazed up to see several lying dead. Rin stood idly by as Sesshomaru approached the bandit that held you captive. The man let out a small whimper as he unsheathed his blade and held it to your neck.

"Don't come any closer! O-Or I'll kill her!" He cried out in fear. Sesshomaru stopped in his steps.

"Go ahead," he said indifferently. You gaped at his words.

"Sesshomaru!" you screamed at him as you felt the cold blade pressed against your neck. He sighed. 

"G-Get out of here before I decide to kill-" the bandit barely managed to finish his sentence, as Sesshomaru rushed towards him before he could react and killed him. Sesshomaru sighed as the man's body crumpled dead, joining with the rest of his friends. 

"Let's go.." Sesshomaru muttered as his eyes glanced over your partially exposed chest. You quickly fixed your kimono feeling your face heat up.

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