Chapter 29

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Maya's POV

We walked up to the door of the bakery, Sugary Pastry, it looked so simple. Zig held the door open for Miles and I. We walked in and saw some tables with people sitting in them and a line of about 8 or 9 people. Isn't it closing time? We looked over to the counter and saw a girl, that looked about 15 or 16, taking orders. We wait in the line for about 10 minutes before we got to the front. The girl looks up and asks

"what would like to order?"

"Is there a Violet Petrov?" Zig asked.

"Yes, why?"

"I talked to her on the phone and she told us to meet her here." I said , interrupting Zig who looked like he was about to say something.

"Yeah, I'll get her." She says and leaves to the back. 

Good thing we're the only people left in the line right now. Then, I saw her walk in from the kitchen.

"Oh hey, It's you guys! Please sit down at a table and we'll talk." She said.

We walked to an empty table and sat down. Violet took off her apron and hung it up. Then she told this one girl that she was taking a break and walked over to us. She pulled up a chair from another table and brought it over to our table and sat down.

"So, what did ya'll want to talk to us about?" Zig asked.

She smiled and says "well, I just wanted to know something..."

She looks very awkward and can't look right at us.

"And what would that be?" Miles asked.

", well..." she froze "do you want to meet my family. They're in the back." She said and smiled.

"Um... sure." We all said. Odd request, she doesn't even know us.


She turns on her heel and said "come"

We follow her into the kitchen and it's actually pretty huge. It's filled with people talking, making frosting, putting things in the oven, frosting cakes and cupcakes, making batter, and etc.

"Alright everybody, I have some people for ya'll to meet!" She yelled.

"This is Zig Novak and Maya and Miles Hollingsworth!"
Sorry, I am soooooo late and most of ya'll probably took this book out of your library but I'm back and I might not be updating as much but I will keep working on it until the end so don't take the book out of your library. And I know it's a short chapter know I have other things too.
Love you😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚😚

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