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I was munching on my cereal at 10am. Simon, Vikk, Eloise, and Josh were sat speaking around the island with me when JJ suddenly barged into the kitchen.

"Guys, I've got good news" he spoke, making me jump.

"What now, JJ" Simon sighed.

"We will have a party. Here. In about an hour" he announced, grinning like crazy.

I nearly choked on my cereal, getting the attention of the rest of the group.

"Everyone we know is invited. Also Lucas" JJ winked at me, "but if you want you can invite others."


I walked into the living room wearing a short, tight skirt, a short sleeved crop top, and black short heels. My hair curled slightly and the usual make up. Including winged eyeliner.

I noticed the whole room was packed with alcohol around the place, no one has come yet except Tobi. Everyone was too busy placing out food in the kitchen and alcohol in the living room to notice me.

Bright disco lights were illuminating the room, they must have decided to leave the other lights off.

I noticed most of them wore causal clothes - except for Eloise who wore exactly the same thing as when we went out for the meal with Alex - but Simon wore a grey shirt, buttoned all the way up, just leaving the top button open.

He walked up to me once he noticed I was standing at the door, smirking playfully.

I smiled at him.

"Looking..." he looked me up and down, searching for the perfect word.

"Great?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Sexy" he smirked. I let out a laugh, watching as his face scrunched up in confusion.

"Cringe" I laughed.

He shook his head, still smirking.

Tobi walked towards me, hugging me tightly.

"Its been years" he smiled.

"It's been like 3 days" I giggled.

He pulled away, smiling brightly. I immediately remembered how long we would text each other on the phone. He became my close friend in no time.

"Tobi, Josh wants you to help out with something" Eloise said, walking towards us. Tobi nodded and went towards the kitchen.

Simon smiled at Eloise and me before walking away to go back to what he was doing.

"You look fit" Eloise grabbed my hands, looking at my attire.

"Speak for yourself! How come Simon is so formal and then Josh is wearing a t-shirt" I questioned.

"A t-shirt is easier to take off" she winked, before bursting out laughing with me.

Vikk, JJ, and Simon looked at us strangely, probably wondering what we were laughing about.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I walked towards the door, opening it.

"Party!" They screamed.

By they I mean Calfreezy, Callux, Ethan, and Harry.

Followed by Ethan laughing.

"God sake calm down" I scrunched up my face.

"Hey! It's been a long time since we've seen you" Calfreezy exclaimed, pulling me into a hug - Callux joining - as they all walked in.

"Around two years" I laughed gently, pulling away.

I closed the door, walking into the living room.

Simon was handing out beers, once he got to me, he smirked and handed me an open beer.

"Here you go, get the party started" he spoke.

I took it, sipping at it.

"Thanks, let's hope the rest of JJ's guests don't go mental" I laughed.

Oh how wrong I was.

After 10 minutes, the rest of the people came. At first the party was lame. But once JJ and Josh gave out tons of alcohol, the music was blasting, guys were dancing, girls were throwing up. You couldn't even get through the living room without someone grinding on you, half drunk.

I noticed Vikk and Simon weren't really drinking that much. They were probably the only nearly sober people there. Including me.

"Hey" Lucas whispered into my ear, jumping up in front of me.

"God you scared me" I sighed, jumping at his sudden appearance.

"How many drinks you had?" He smirked, his thin lips making his jawline stand out even more.

"Around 3, you?" I answered.

"Around 3" he laughed.

I noticed he was wearing jeans and a white t-shirt.

"Great clothes mate" I joked.

"You look great" he answered, his eyes glued to mine.

We stood at the bottom of the stairs, no one was allowed upstairs so I decided to stand guard. Anyway, it was the only place where you could actually talk without music blasting your eardrums and people groping you randomly.

Lucas took my hand, pulling me towards the living room.

"Lucas?" I asked, getting dragged by him towards the loud room.

"Lets dance" he smirked.


Peace x

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