Chapter Three: Violets&Roses

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*Jahmaines POV*

I woke up late again! Seriously wouldn't be surprised if i get fired. It was 7:00, and I had to be at the office by 8:30! Oh ShiP!

I quickly brushed my teeth and got in the shower. After that cold ass shower I brushed my hair and got dressed. I didn't want to wake up Amira or Amani so I had to do everything quietly which also took longer.

I went downstairs, it was 7:14, okay Jahmaine you can do this your Muslim Superman!

I poured Coffee into a plastic cup and looked around for my car keys, ahh where are they? I needed my car I haven't learnt to fly yet. I looked through each drawer and cupboard and still couldn't find them.

"WHY!" I shouted. Jahmaine calm down, you'll find them. I'm sure you will.

"Looking for these" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Amira dangling my car keys in the air.

"You're a saint" I said taking a deep breath out.

"What would you do without me?" She said as she walked forward and tucked them in my pocket. She then fixed my tie and gave me a kiss.

"I have no idea" I said "thanks"

"Go on get yourself to work" she said. I then smiled as I walked off. Thank God for Amira or else I would've seriously been late looking for my keys.

As soon as I got into work I rushed into the room where the meeting was meant to take place.

"Sorry I'm late" i said as I entered, I took a seat at the back

"Jahmaine finally" George said he was like the head detective and my boss.
"We was discussing the alibis we were given" he said

"Wait what do you mean by alibis?" I asked "there's alibis!"

"Yes, and two of them" George said. Wait, so my father in laws supposed 'murder' must have been pre-meditated. I don't trust alibis, this 'murder' must have been set up for the 'murderer' to even think about getting alibis because he or she knew they'd need one.

"What are the statements?" I asked

"They both said the same thing" Eddie said, one of my colleagues.

"So what does this mean?" I asked

"It means this murderer is winning the case Jahmaine. You're the best lawyer we have here, stop playing detective and do what you need to do so this women gets justice" Eddie said

"Wait you don't understand. This is my wifes family" I said "i can't"

"You haven't told her haven't you" Eddie said

"Not exactly..." i said

"Three simple things Jahmaine. Tell her a lawyer is needed because her father got killed and the murderer is on fire because you have refused to step up and do your job!" He said. The sad thing was that he was right.

"Just give me time i will tell her" i said

"Okay" Eddie said "I suggest you tell her tonight, after all time is ticking"

"Naah you don't say" I said "this isn't easy for me"

"Hey! You accepted this promotion and you knew the type of things that would be coming" he said

"To investigate a case when we're not even in the same country" I said

"Oh the murderers here, don't you listen. That's the reason the case got moved here" Eddie said

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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