Feelings bubble over

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You and Mark looked at each other then at the door where Jack left then back at each other. "What's up with him?" Mark questions You just shake your head. "I have no idea to be honest. He was very fidgety and ran out the second he got a chance. Do you think hes sick?" Mark runs his fingers through his hair in thought. "I have no idea maybe he's just got alot on his mind. You nod your head in agreement. "That could be true. I'll let him rest awhile for checking up on him." Mark nods while finishing up the rest of the kitchen before going to his room to record some videos. You plop down on the couch and wonder what in the world is going on with the Irish gamer. 'He's been blushing and squirming anytime me or Mark gets near him.' You think. Your eyes widen as you sit up. 'Could he possibly like me thats why he's like that' you eyes widen even more 'Could be actually like Mark?!' You lay back down with a smirk. 'If so the fangirls would love that.' "Love what?" Cry's voice rings through your thoughts. You gasp and look up to make eye contact with the poker face mask. "Um n-nothing." You could just feel him raise an eyebrow from behind the mask. "You sure?" You nod quickly and run upstairs leaving Cry wondering what's going on with you. You wanted to lay down after eating breakfast but you brain wanted to know what's going on with Jack before you can relax enough to lay down. You stop in front of his door and hold up your hand to knock. 'Would this be invading privacy?' You question your actions. But curiosity took over causing to knock on his door despite your worries. "Yes?" "It's me can i come in?" "Y-yeah s-sure." You quirked an eyebrow. "Ok." You say as you open the door and walk in. The room was kinda dark except light coming from the computer and tv. Jack turns his head and sits up when he sees you. His cheeks have a very slight tint of pink. If it was any darker you would have missed it. You walk over and sit on his bed. There was a comfortable silence as you two wait for someone to talk. "Well was there something you wanted?" Jack said getting more comfortable in his bed. You debated actually bringing up the topic in mind. When you thought about it a lump would form in your throat and you could feel the heat rush to your cheeks. So what if he did like one of y'all where would you go from there? Tell Mark, the others, what would you do? It was too much to think about in the moment so you just decided to bring it up another time. "Oh nothing really just wanted to check up on you since you were very quick to run upstairs after breakfast. "Oh my god didn't think it seemed like that I'm so sorry if it looked disrespectful just didn't feel well." Jack lied as he blushed. 'Oh that explains the redness.' You bring your hand to his face and feel his cheeks and forehand only causing him to blush more. "Oh jack you're very warm let me get you a wet towel to cool you off. Lay down until I get back." "But-" "No buts." You say pushing him down. "O-ok." You quickly go to retrieve a towel for Jack. Jack lets out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. "Might as well get comfortable no use in arguing with her." You come back and place the towel on his forehead. "Well since I have nothing better to do Im going to stay here with you that's ok right?" He just nods his head. You smile in return. "Ok let's watch tv. You say feeling around for the remote only to grab something that wasn't the remote. Jack yelps and you immediately retract your hand. "Oh my god! I'm so so sorry." "Jack blushes hard and shakes his head. "No it's f-fine." You quickly find the remote and turn on the tv before something else happens. Y'all watch movies before you fall asleep. Jack looks down at you and smiles and moves hair out of your face. "Not going to lie you are really beautiful." He sighs. "I guess I have to take you to your room now." He slides out of his covers and walks over to side your on and picks you up as gently as possible to avoid waking you up. Jack's warmth further puts you to sleep. He makes his way to your room and places you in your bed softly. Your peaceful face made him smile and blush. He just couldn't hold himself back anymore before placing a kiss on your lips. However he door began to slowly open.
To be continued
(Hey guys I am so so sorry school is crazy and now I have to look for a job now too. Its like I'm being spread thin but that won't stop me from updating anymore I will try to update whenever I can. Now in other news attention all kpop fans I'm thinking of writing a EXO x reader story maybe like exo next door starring you what do you think of that? If so I'll write that too. :))

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