Chapter 6

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(Group chat with Ally and Normani text)

3:47 pm

Manibear 💋 : Sooo how's Camila?

Lauren🌹: omg rly mani

Allysus 😇 : ya I wanna know about this Camila girl that you've been talking to

Lauren 🌹 : mani u had to tell ally?!

Manibear💋 : yeah of course

Lauren 🌹 : ugh 😒

Allysus 😇 : so how is she?????

Manibear 💋 : r u gonna ask her out ?

Allysus 😇 : ooh where r u gonna take her?

Manibear 💋 : what r u gonna give her?

Allysus 😇 : has she already asked?

Allysus 😇: r u gonna watch a movie after ur dinner

Lauren 🌹: relax guys and idk even if she lives near us

Allysus 😇 : well u should ask her then duh

Manibear 💋 : ally they aren't gonna watch the movie they will be in the bedroom😏😏

Manibear 💋 : Lauren what's ur favorite position?

Allysus 😇 : OH MY GOSH NORMANI!! we're trying to keep it pg

Manibear 💋 : PG: Pretty Gay. Plus it's just a question.

Manibear 💋 : Ally, u have Troy you've prob had sex

Allysus 😇 : MANI!!

Lauren 🌹: she didn't deny it. IS ALLY NOT AS HOLY AS WE THOUGHT

Manibear 💋 : 😂😂😂😂😂 ALLY?????

Lauren 🌹: omg she's not responding😂

Manibear 💋: ALLYSIN?!?!?!?!

Lauren 🌹: omg this is amazing 😂😂

Allysus 😇: Shut Up!

Lauren 🌹: I'm changing her name to ALLYSIN

Allysus 😇: PLZ DONT !

Manibear 💋: u don't deserve the title anymore sorry ally

Allysin 😈 : how rude

Lauren 🌹: omg I love it!

Manibear 💋 : it suits her

Allysin 😈 : ugh I hate u guys

Lauren 🌹: now look, she's starting to hate people

Manibear 💋 : it's perfect for u allyson

Manibear 💋: *allysin i guess my phone isn't completely used to this new ally either

Lauren 🌹: 😂😂

Allysin 😈: shut up u guys

Lauren 🌹: but anyway about Camz

Lauren 🌹: she apparently has a boyfriend named Shawn which really threw me off. And now she want us to be friends but idk if I can do that cuz I like her a lot and Dinah says that she and Shawn don't hang out a lot. I'm v v confused on what to do now

Allysin 😈: oh damn I'm sorry

Allysin 😈: wait is Dinah Mila's friend?

Lauren 🌹: yup

Manibear 💋 : yo that sucks Lolo. But TBH I would still stick to being her friend cuz it's seems as tho Shawn and her r drifting apart

Lauren 🌹: I hope so

Allysus 😇: ❤️❤️

Allysus 😇: u guys thx for changing it #allysusisback

Manibear 💋: I guess u deserved it

Lauren 🌹: thx guys 😘😘❤️❤️ ily

Manibear 💋: luv u too boo

Allysus 😇: hey that rhymes!

Lauren 🌹: u r such a child

Manibear 💋: small child

Allysus 😇: but u love me

Lauren 🌹: ❤️

Manibear 💋: ❤️❤️😘😘

Lauren 🌹: always trying to one up me

Allysus 😇: 😂😂😂

Manibear 💋: have u talked to Mila yet?

Allysus 😇: ??

Lauren 🌹: I will

Manibear 💋: pooh ask her where she lives!!

Allysus 😇: maybe she lives near us

Manibear 💋: that's v unlikely

Allysus 😇: u wanna bet?!

Lauren 🌹: oooh allysus wants to bet

Manibear 💋: fine but what do we get if we win

Allysus 😇: whoever wins gets to get Mila's phone number and gets to be able to txt her

Manibear 💋: or how about we just to have a groupchat

Allysus 😇: omg yes. So we both win either way

Lauren🌹: we never agreed to this

Allysus 😇: too bad

Manibear 💋: oh and add Dinah too


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