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Percy POV
Hey guys. Its been thirteen years and iff you read Rick Riordan's books about me then you know what ive done. Everything is true except my mom and Paul. And Gabe. Paul was reall but was only my teacher. Everything written of my mom was really Pepper. I just didnt want everyone to know me as the child of Tony. I still call Pepper and Tony dad and mom. Well one thing you probably didnt know was Annabeth blew up the school we met at causing Ethan Nakumara to lose his eye. Annabeth and her dad moved to Virginia and then at seven Annabeth started her adventure. When Ethan lost his eye he had some brain damage and didnt rememer me even after we met again. Annabeth and i are engaged. When we first met again we didnt recognize eachother.
Now, im an Avenger while Annabeth works with Mom and takes care of Clover. After the battle with my evil grandma, my other (real) dad, Poseidon, gave me his full blessing and Annabeth's mom, Athena, blessed her and now Annabeth can have thought kids. Kids from her thoughts of me. And they are born from the head when she gets super happy. She only wanted one kid and that wish came true. Clover Lia Jackson was born August 18 (random year). She looks so much like Annabeth. Princess curled honey blonde hair, but she had my eyes which were seagreen. She was born two years old because Athena is awesome and didnt burden us with the baby problems. Clover was given gifts from everyone:
Zeus: premission in domain
Dad: underwater breathing
Hades: premission in domain
Hera: (paired with Zeus) and happiness
Hestia: a happy life
Demeter: able to keep things alive
Aphrodite: beauty, charmspeak (doesnt work on parents or Chiron), a good love life
Athena: openminded and headstrong
Artemis: good with nature
Apollo: a beautiful voice, good archery, good with musical instraments, easy and lovable personality
Hermes: stealth, speed, free shipping
Mr. D: ability to never get drunk, oath on the Styx that he will always say her actuall name at camp
Hepheastus: blacksmith stuff and minor fire control
Ares: respect, good in battle and with other weapons
Dad/Tony: free Stark tech and protection
Rest of Avengers: protection
Me and Annabeth naturally gave her powers.
Me: ability to minor control water until older and ability to talk to horses (anything related too) and other sea creatures.
Annabeth: battle strategy, wisdom, and knowledge. That makes to girls i love besides my mothers.

Percy Jackson. Avenger From the Start2: Officially an AvengerWhere stories live. Discover now