Chapter 2

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The journey starts in the stable, where I get my horses ready and my chariot. My horses are black and white that pull my red chariot. As I headed out the kingdom gate a child ran to my chariot and gave me a white rose. I bowed to the child and went on with my journey.

I went along the road to the highest mountain where Altez lays at the top. I go further and stop my chariot far enough to where he can't hear it. I walk to the mountain slowly to Altez I knew he was on the other side of the ledge. As I jump to attack him he was gone, where did he go? I feel a hand grab my wrist and pull me to the ground. I feel something on top of me and look up to see a boy on me. His hair was black, his right eye was yellow and his left was covered with an eyepatch, he had wings of dragon, and a smirk covering his face. He looked me up and down and asks, "What are you doing here? What is it that you wish to find?"
"Why I'm here is my concern it has nothing to do with you!" I shouted
"Oh, well than you won't mind if I take off your helmet than?" He said as is wing pushed on my helmet and hooked at the bottom. He started to lift it up but stopped when he felt my knife up again his throat.
"You will not touch me if you value your head, Altez" I said with anger in my voice
"So you have figured out who I was? But I don't care if you know my name" Altez grabbed my wrist that was holding my knife and he moved it above my head, I could not move nor defend myself. Struggling to get him off me his wing continued to take off my helmet. I felt it lift off my head and my brown gold hair fell onto my face and Altez moved the tip of his wing down my face and said, "Your prettier than I thought" He looked at me with a smile across his face and leaned down and whispered in my ear, "If your here for the girl I'll give her to you if you become my treasure."

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