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Annabeth's POV

I walked down the stairs, dressed in black and leather, into the dining room. Once I walked in, all eyes were on me, all of them showing disappointment. I sat in the last opened chair and looked down.

"I mean, look at her! she's just a huge disappointment to our family." I heard my mom whisper to my aunt.

I looked up and saw my cousin, Nate, look at me. He looked at my older sister, Carabelle, and shake his head and Cara mouthed at him 'I know'.

I stand up, my chair screeching backwards, causing all eyes to turn to me. I drop my fork and knife on my plate, causing a big crash, and started walking upstairs, into my black and white room. I sit on my black beanbag chair and rap myself with a white blanket.

You don't know how it feels to be hated by your family, for them to think you're a disappointment.

Tears started to fill my eyes, a few escaping as I roughly wiped them away.

'They're not worth crying for, your stronger than that.'

I keep telling myself, but I know I'm lying. Behind this leather, and stone heart, there's a weak one.  One that is emotionally unstable. One that cares what you think, what you do. But it's hidden behind the brick wall I've built up, ever since I was 14. I remember when my mom told me to express myself, be who I want to be, not who the people want me to be, but she was wrong. Very wrong.

I've been called 'psyco', 'mental', 'sick bitch', all because I expressed who I was, and they're the ones who told me to.

Suddenly, I hear the door open, and there stands my mother.

"Mom." I greet her nonchalantly, trying to show no emotion.

"Annabeth, your father and I have been talking, and...."

"...and, spit it out mom!" I groan, getting annoyed by her presence.

"We're sending you to a private school, to teach you for your..... bad behavior." My mom explains, using a lot of hand jesters.

"Really? If you wanted to get rid of me so bad, you could of just asked." I say, getting angry.

"No, no, sweetie, we're not getting rid of you-" My mom try's to explain but I cut her short.

"Yeah, okay, whatever you want to call it." I say, plugging in my headphones and blasting TØP.

"You say I'm not alone, but I'm petrified." I sing softly to Fake You Out.

I sigh, can my life get any worse?

Well, I guess I shouldn't of jinxed it.


ayyyyy new book! the girl above is Annabeth. I hope you enjoy this book because I'm excited for it! if you want me to continue this book, make sure to leave a like and comment! love you guys, byeeeee❤️

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