Deer in the Headlights

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(Dippers POV)

"Grunkle? I'm going for a walk!" I yelled from the door into the living room where he was watching a Spanish soap opera.

"Be careful, Wendy is out there right now. You know how she gets today." Gruncle warned before I left so I gave a half-hearted assurance.

It was a full moon so Wendy goes into hiding till she's fully herself. I had been cooped up here for three months, so I was going out no matter what. I mean,I guess technically I was only a year old but I still act 13. I passed by Mabel who was in her water ball. I was a large hamster ball but it was fully sealed and filled 3/4ths with water. She could breathe air but only a bit at a time wich is why it isn't completely filled. She was playing with her pig fish Waddles. She noticed me and rolled over.

"Hey bro-bro!" She greeted with a snort from Waddles.

"Hey," I smiled at her. "I'm going for a walk, don't worry I will be careful and avoid Wendy's path. See you in 2 hours!" I said as fast as I could to avoid a lecture.

She shook her head in discontent and I ran off into the woods as fast as my long legs let me. I had a clearing that I went to and read in. It was peaceful and hunter free. It was made so if you see a creature in it, you can't kill it. Humans can still enter but it is an instant peace treaty.

I reached there and gingerly approached the path. It was almost too late when I saw a man. He had black pants and boots. A white button-up with the sleeves rolled up half way. Over that, he wore a bright yellow vest with a brick pattern on the back and a triangle with on eye stitched over that.

I stepped closer out of curiosity and as if this were a movie, a twig snapped under my hooves and the man snapped his head to look at me. He had a black eyepatch over his left eye but his right one was a dazzling and bright blue. His blonde and black hair was in a undercut/mohawk design. Overall he was a sexy man. My cheeks turned a bright red at the thought as he stood and beckoned me to him.

"Come I won't hurt you, not here." He said in a smooth voice as he placed his rifle on the ground and kicked it away.

"H-how do I know to trust you....a hunter?" I asked as I eyed the gun abit to long.

(Bill's POV)

"Because, like everyone here, I know what this area brings. A code of trust if you will." I smiled at him. He was a beautiful creature.

He slowly made his way out into the clearing but didn't come much closer than to outer rim of it. His moppy cocoa brown hair were a perfect match for his fair skin.

"What does a hunter want all the way out here? There aren't any p-prey out here..." He said cautiously inching closer.

I shake my head and laugh. This kid it funny. What other reason would I come out here for but to look at the hybrids! "This is the only place you can really look at people like you. See I hunt small things, bunnies, squirrels, ect. That way I can still get trust out of the locals. This is one of the only places in the world that one can meet you." I said. It was true these people were amazing, highly evolved and a clear sign of human to animal capacity.

And since they turnd out like this and not walking on two legs with a tail and ears, that meant good things for me.

I saw him move closer, taking long strides as he moved. "Why do you want to meet us? Other than physical appearance we really aren't any different than humans. Oh...uh my name is Dipper..." He says as he reaches arm length away.

"It's a pleasure Dipper, I'm Bill." I smiled

Hey! Hope you liked it an sorru for the wait! I was inspired to finally finish this chapter and publish it by LaraJadewalker Go check out her work it is amazing!!

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