Willing To Overlook

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(Mabel's POV)

"Hey bro bro, how's the leg?" I asked. It had been bandaged up and he's walking around even though we said he shouldn't. Even Bill thought it was a bad idea. Speaking of, he seems soooo fishy. Like, fishy-er than me! and I AM a fish. It's just that, Bill is a hunter. Dipper was caught in a bear trap. Grunkle checked and it's true Bill didn't have any on him but it still is weird....

"Mabel, I'm fine, my leg is fine, now I swear if you ask me one more time I'll-" He started only to be interrupted by Stan asking how his leg was. "I'M FINE!"

"Calm down Pine Tree, you'll hurt yourself." Said Bill as he passed by.

"I'm going to cause you harm, a lot of harm." Dipper warned.

"No you aren't!" Bill shouted with a laugh.

Dipper lunged out of his seat to attack Bill. He rounded the corner only to lose his footing....hoofing? Whatever on the rug and crash through the doorway into Bill and onto the floor.

"You know, if you like me so much a date would have been less painful." He smirked and helped Dipper up. 

It took me and Stan a moment to process what had happened and before we knew it the Shack was filled with laughter. Dipper was completely red as he stood on three hooves with Bill hanging off his shoulders wiping tears out of his eyes.

"Ok, I get it." Dipper said and walked right under Bill causing him to plummet to the ground. His laughter stopped and he stared up at Dipper. 

(Dipper's POV)

He layed there on the shack floor looking up at me with forged pain in his eyes

"That hurt, and you aren't even going to help me up? That stings Pine Tree." He pouted and waited for me to offer to help. I laughed and offered my hand. Bill grabbed it yanking me to the floor with him.

"Bill!" I screamed, very manly if you ask me... 

"P-pine tree....stomach off!" He gasped out and i realized my foot was planted into his stomach

"O-oh sorry Bill!" I said jumping off. "But you deserved that for yanking me down!"

"Alright, alright! We need to get to work guys!" Stan said wiping tears from his eyes, though it was more like dust? I haven't figured him out yet. 

"Ok, but seriously help me up would ya?" Bill chuckled and extended his hand up to me. I helped him up and he left to go help with the shack.

Something about him is off, but he's nice. I guess I'm just willing to overlook with him....


I know that I usually have roughly 700 word chapters so this is short, but I want to get more and more stuff out there now that I've watched the show. Also, please stop commenting things like "update!" I know it's meant nicely but it demotivates me. I know it's a weird request but maybe change them to things like "I can't wait to see what happens next!" Those things are a much better alternative. I hope you enjoyed this crap show and I will see you in the next chapter!

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