I pull out my prototype laptop and plug Owens microscope in. Once it registers in my laptop I begin running the "DNA ITEM" program ITEM stands for identifying the external match. It finds a match to the DNA sample under the microscope but for some reason it can't give us a name or face but it gives us an address. So we roll out all who can fly flying the rest hop on hoverboards like Brandy's but have seats in them and attach to a harness for Dominic who will pull them. As I land in front of the building where this person is supposed to live but it is definitely not a house because it is like part warehouse part observatory. I knock on the door no one answers I knock again and again no answer. I then proceed to grab my hammer from the steps and knock down the door. I walk in and see that we are now inside of a garage where I see a black van. We head into the building through another door and I see a huge computer setup all flashing a countdown. As I look at the screens they count down from 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2........1 then it happens.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then what happens well you'll see in the next chapter could be a bomb Tanner could get shot who knows? I do but guess what
I'm not telling you!😂