Chapter 23: Out and Back Again

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Chapter 23: Out and Back Again

"And that is why Clan cats don't play with their food," Flickertail finished.

Rainstone stared at him with drooped eyes and mouth open in boredom. "Because an owl will come and take it away?" she asked dubiously.

"Yes," Flickertail mewed with a nod of his head.

"Is that the last rule?" Rainstone asked.

"Well, I've told you all about the warrior-code, but there are other rules," Flickertail mewed with a frown.

"Oh, great," Rainstone yawned. Flickertail had been telling her all about the warrior-code and the beginning of the Clans, as well as telling a long, somewhat riveting story of the journey of the Clans from one home to another.

"You see, there are exceptions to the rules, mainly; that any cat can cross other territories to visit the Moonpool and to go to the gathering island on the full moon. Also, cats can cross the lake by staying within two tail-lengths of the water if they need help or need to exchange news," Flickertail mewed.

"Is that it?" Rainstone asked.

"Also, a warrior may challenge his leader if the leader is weak or cruel," Flickertail mewed. "And there are additional rules."

Rainstone groaned. At first, she'd been very impressed by the complex organization, and that there was nothing to divide toms and she-cats. But now, the rules seemed heavy and numerous.

"Medicine-cats cannot have mates or kits, kits must stay in camp until they are six moons old and cannot hunt. The safety of the Clan is more important than an individual cat. Also, Clans cannot drive another Clan from their territory, cannot force them to share hunting grounds, and cannot attack special patrols agreed upon by all four Clans," Flickertail mewed.

"Does that really happen very often?" Rainstone asked.

"What?" Flcikertail stopped and turned toward to her from where he was sorting herbs.

"Special patrols! It seems that the Clans are pretty separate, only working together when their very survival is at stake. But really, how many threats can really destroy so many cats?" Rainstone asked, slightly annoyed.

"More than you might think. There was once a Great Battle, the Clans were almost destroyed and were very weak, but they survived because they worked together," Flickertail mewed.

"What was this, 'Great Battle,' about?" Rainstone challenged suspiciously.

Flickertail frowned, "I don't really remember, but it was a fight between good and evil, and there were four special cats in the oldest prophecy known to the Clans," Flickertail mewed.

Rainstone shrugged and gestured him to continue. "I think that's it for the special rules... Oh! Except that cats going to the Moonpool can't eat on their journey," Flickertail mewed with a purr.

"Okay," Rainstone mewed with a sigh, "Now, tell me about the other Clans. You've told me where they live, but not their names and how they're different from RiverClan," Rainstone mewed.

"Well, WindClan cats are small, smaller then you mostly, and can run very fast. ShadowClan cats are taller and thinner and half-live by night. ThunderClan can hide and track well in thick undergrowth and are more broad-shouldered and flat headed," Flickertail mewed.

Rainstone made a face, "Ugh! Who'd want to live in a forest? I'd turn into a mushroom from being in the shadows all the time!" she complained.

Flickertail purred, "That's what I think as well!"

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