Chapter 37: Sticky Situatiuon

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Chapter 37: Sticky Situation

... Willowwater's POV ...

She should have been back by now, Willowwater thought anxiously, watching the sun rise over the hill on the east side of the lake, between the RiverClan and WindClan border. What's taking her so long?

Her muscles were stiff and her eyes were heavy from waiting up all night. She'd thought Rainstone would be back not long after moon-high, but now it was dawn. She waited awhile longer and the sun rose higher, she needed to get back to camp but by now she was freaking out.

What happened? Did Scampfur attack her? Was it a trap? Did they get caught by cats in the tunnels? Is Rainstone okay? Oh! Why didn't I insist on going with her? If she's dead it'll be my fault! She thought miserably.

She stood and paced along the border, looking along the ShadowClan shore. She didn't see any cat in the gray mist of morning. What do I do? Do I go back to camp? Do I go looking for her? Do I tell Sunstar? Somehow she thought that'd just make things worse.

She wasn't sure, but she didn't trust her leader like Rainstone did, he was either not inclined to solve this problem or had a motive behind him. He was much too willing to let Rainstone do what she liked for Willowwater's taste.

The steady rush of the lake filled her ears and her paws were cold on the dewy grass. She looked down at her stone-gray tabby fur, like a bit of mist hovering over the ground. But what do I do?!

Anxiety and worry were biting at her to run and see what had happened, but logic told her it was better to wait, at least until night when she could cross over to ThunderClan's territory more safely. But what if Rainstone's in trouble?! Oh! Idiot, she would be back by now if she wasn't in trouble! Or maybe she ran away...

Willowwater shivered and banished the thought; Rainstone wouldn't do that, would she? Great! Now I'm doubting my friend! Rainstone's going to be in serious trouble for making me worry if she's not dead!

Huffing, she decided to go back to camp and look for Rainstone that night if she wasn't back before then. She entered camp and was immediately put on the dawn patrol along with Silverstripe and Sweetberry.

"Hey! Where's Rainstone?" Sweetberry demanded, stomping over from the apprentices den.

"I dunno," Willowwater shrugged, she couldn't even imagine the trouble she'd get in for knowing what Rainstone had done and staying silent about it. But it was best for now to allow cats to make their own assumptions.

"If she slept outside camp I'll be very angry!" Sweetberry seethed, stomping out of camp behind Silverstripe. Willowwater noticed a glimmer of worry in Sweetberry's eyes though. After those two were attacked and Patchkit was killed... that's understandable.

"I'm sure Rainstone can take care of herself," Silverstripe mewed calmly, the lanky gray tom with silver stripes turned his steady blue gaze on Sweetberry, urging the she-cat to relax. Sweetberry did and padded more quietly and sedately.

"Willowwater? Do you know where Rainstone is?" Sweetberry asked as the padded along the rogue border.

"Nope," Willowwater mewed lazily, shifting her slightly narrowed gaze to the side to glance at Sweetberry.

"Really?" Sweetberry looked disbelieving.

"Yep," Willowwater answered truthfully. I really have no idea where she is, she should have been back by now, but now I don't know, though she's probably somewhere in ThunderClan's territory.

They marked the borders in silence, watching the rogue border closely with wary eyes. On the other side was where those rogues waited, those murders. Anger flashed in Willowwater's belly, targeting kits and small numbers of cats! Those cowards! They won't be able to beat us, not in a million moons!

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