Chapter 6

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I slowly opened my eyes. The first thing I saw was a small girl about my age leaning over me, watching me carefully. I screamed. The girl jumped back quickly. I sat up quickly looking around me.

I was in a small room. There were pictures of different bands on the walls across from me. There was a small bed on the other side of the room.

I looked back at the girl. She had long, brown, straight hair with dark green eyes. She was wearing the school uniform and a pair of flats.

“Who the hell are you?” I asked quickly standing up.

“I’m Kelly, your roommate.” She said with a warm smile.

“Are you a vampire as well?”I asked in a worried tone. I began backing away from her.

“Yea, in a few days you will be to. We just have to wait for the blood to get through your system.” She replied like she was casually talking about the weather or something. Great. I’m not only surrounded by vampires, buy crazy vampires.

“No way in hell am I going to turn into a vampire.” I stated opening the door. I’m just going to go home and forget this ever happened like it was some big dream or something. I don’t think I could really just forget about something like this, but I didn’t want to believe it, even thought I know it’s true. Vampires really do exist.

Noticing my exit, Kelly jumped up and blocked my way of the door. She had a panicked look on her face.

“You can’t leave, your going to be one of us!” She cried. I groaned getting frustrated. What is it with people blocking my way today? I reached around her and pulled on the door handle. Before I could even open it fully, Kelly had slammed it shut. I stared at her. This girl is strong for such a little person.

“When I say you can’t leave, I mean that they won’t let you leave. They can’t just have new born vampire running around you know. You have to learn how to control your self and learn the skills you will need.” She said

“They can’t just keep me here forever!”

“You won’t be here forever. Just a couple of years so you can learn everything you need to know.” She said smiling. I have to stay here for a couple of years. Great. My day just can’t get any better. Maybe being a vampire will be cool. Super speed. Super strength. Super everything.

I walked back towards the beds and sat down.

Noticing my change, Kelly came and sat down on the bed across from me. There was a few seconds of silence before she spoke.

“Why did you become a vampire if you don’t want to be a vampire?”She asked looking confused.

“I never wanted to become a vampire in the first place.”

“Well if you didn’t agree then your mum must of.”

“My mum wouldn’t agree to something like this.” I thought about it for a second. “Actually she probably would agree to anything if it meant me being away from her.” I said with a laugh.

“I’m guessing you don’t get on with your mum very well?” She said smiling.

“No, not at all.” I said leaning back on the bed, putting my hands behind my head.

“So when do I officially become a vampire?” I said. It felt weird saying that.

“Probably in the next couple of days. It won’t take that long. I have to warn you though it is really painful.”

“Why is it so painful?”I asked curious.

“Well you’re going to have a lot of changes to your body. So it’s going to be painful. It only lasts a couple of hours though. It takes a bit longer if you have any special powers.”

“What kind of powers?” I said quickly sitting up to look at her. That would be so cool if I had cool powers like becoming invisible or making people shut up with my mind. That would be helpful.

“Well some people can read minds; some can move things with out touching them. Everybody has a special skill that nobody else is as good as though.

“What’s your special skill?” I asked.

“I’m a very fast runner.” She said looking disappointed.

“What’s wrong with that?”

“I wanted something cooler then being able to run fast. But I do have a special power. I can move things without touching them.” She said, her face brightening up again.

“That’s so cool!” I said. I would love to be able to do that. I would freak out all my enemies by moving things so they would think there was a ghost or something. I could just imagine the look on there faces, I thought with a smile.

“So who turned you?” She asked leaning forward.

“Drake.” Saying his name made me think about what had happened in the office. He kissed me. He didn’t seem as crazy to me anymore now that I know about vampires. I still don’t think it was a good idea kissing him though. It would be kind of awkward in lessons. I remembered how soft his lips felt against mine...

“Drake! His not suppose to change people; normally we have special people do it.” She said jumping up.

“Why is he not supposed to do it?” I asked.

“Vampires are only aloud to turn one person in there life and that’s there soul mate.” She said. After a few seconds her eyes got wider.

“You know what that means?” She said still looking shocked. I didn’t really know what she means.

“Your Drakes soul mate!”

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