The End?

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Planet X

A group of tentacled humanoids known as Cryogs are seated together in a meeting room. An elder cryog said," Gentlemen, I would like to thank all of you for your time. I have decided on a planet to repopulate the cryog race." One cryog questioned," How are we to do that? Our Emperor Karkaro has already fallen and our trilopods have been destroyed. I heard from our reports that the soceress Evanora has recreated Magita but Magita was destroyed once again by Godzilla." The cryog narrow his eyes as he hear the name 'Godzilla', long have Commander Rhizon tried to make Godzilla and the Earth monsters destroy the planet but alas, he has failed. The cryog explained to his people," We still have a way on bringing our people back." The cryog got up and look down from the window, down below he could see Mecha-King Ghidorah and Gigan getting repaired with an old Mechagodzilla unit. These three monsters can still serve their.purposes." Sir, I've just received news that the cloning will be completed in three weeks times." The cryog turned and nodded. He has ordered his people to clone Monster X. Monster X was killed on Earth in San Francisco, but he could still be useful. He has also heard of a million year old demon, a ghidorah that once fought the divine moths, causing the extinction of the dinosaurs. The cryogs will go down to Earth two weeks later to hunt for him. The cryog also sent Dogolas down on Earth, where he will execute his part of the plan." Orders sir?" One cryog asked. The cryog turned, tentacles behind his back and replied," Finish the repairs on the cyborgs, then prepare a transport to Earth. We have gods to ally with, gods powerful enough to destroy Godzilla for good."" Yes sir!" The cryog watches Godzilla sleeping and he vowed," You will die, I promise you. I swear you will meet your end." The cryog laughs and walk away. He has plotting to do.

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