Sirius and Cedric

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Harry's mouth fell open. "W-what?"

Remus placed a hand on his shoulder. "How?"

"Just like you," said Kingsley. "Same way it happened. Just showed up... Hope you don't mind, Harry, I already had people question them both - Sirius could transform, Remus."

"Into Padfoot?" Harry asked quietly. "Merlin."

"He kept asking for you two, I hope I didn't interupt anything with your family," said Kingsley.

"No, no it's fine," said Remus. "It's not like you could do much more. Can we see them?"

"Right through there." Kingsley nodded to a door. "I'd bet be getting to work - good luck."

Harry didn't know what to think as Kingsley walked away, so he just stood, staring at the door. Remus, Tonks, Fred... and now Sirius and Cedric?! What was happening?!

"Ready, Pronglet?" Remus asked, and Harry nodded, swallowing.

"I - you go first," Harry said. His throat had gone dry.

Remus gave him a small smile and walked into the room, not closing the door all the way so Harry heard a familiar voice cry, "Moony!"

Harry's heart jolted. Sirius. He'd know that voice anywhere...

"Professer Lupin?" Cedric... "What are you doing here?"

"Hello? Diggory, isn't it? I'm this idiot's best mate." Harry chuckled; he was probably refering to Sirius.

"But he's Sirius Black!" There was fear in his voice.

"That he is. Padfoot, Diggory, if you want to live in 2007 than you have to get with the times. Padfoot - your name's cleared." Harry laughed again. Remus had only been living in 2007 for a day and he was already telling people to 'get with the times.'

"What?! It's... wait... 2007 -? How old is Harry?!"

"I dunno, you ask him. Oh my God Padfoot, he's married to Ginny Weasley - well, Potter - and you'll never guess, they have three children!"

"What?! Little bugger didn't invite me to the wedding! Where is he?!"

"Standing right outsi- Here he is."

Harry dared to walk into the room. Sirius was staring at him from beside Remus, open-mouthed. Cedric was a little in the back, looking confused.

"Erm, hey Sirius," Harry said awkwardly. "Cedric."

Sirius crashed into him and gave him a hug that would make Mrs. Weasley jealous. "What took you so long?! I've been waiting with this kid for two hours! And what's this talk of you being married to Ginny? With kids? Is Moony pulling my leg?"

"No, Padfoot," Harry said, chuckling. "I'm twenty seven, and I have three children... I missed you a lot, Sirius."

Sirius softened. "I'm here now, Pronglet... I can't believe I missed so much, I was supposed to be here for you... Tell me about your kids."

Harry smiled, and Remus laughed aloud.

"James is a pure Marauder!" Remus exclaimed.

"James?" Sirius broke out into a lopsided grin.

Harry nodded earnestly. "He's my oldest - only four. Albus is three, and Lily's seven months."

Sirius was blinking back tears. "Harry, you bloody made me cry!"

"Oh, it's not only me - Ron and Hermione have two, Rose and Hugo. Oh - and Moony! Moony has a son! He's my godson."

"Really?" Sirius looked at Remus, surprised. "Well, I have to say I'm a bit surprised, but -"

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