Ha Ha, I Win.

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"Harry, can you bring James with you today?" Ginny asked wearily as she stumbled into the almost vacant kitchen. Harry was the only one there, and he handed her a warm cup of coffee and sat her down on his lap. She had been kept up all night by Lily - Harry still didn't know why she didn't wake him up so she could sleep.

"I don't see that being a problem," Harry told her softly, kissing her neck. "I am the boss, anyway."

"Mhmm." Ginny closed her eyes and leaned into him.

"Mummy, Daddy, I'm hungry!" James complained loudly as he suddenly zoomed into the room, tugging on Harry's pants and making a pleading face.

"Hey, James, guess what!" Harry said excitedly as Ginny got up to get more coffee.

"What?!" James immediately asked.

"You want to come to work with me today? Then you can see my office," Harry said, smiling at his son.

"Really?!" James's eyes lit up. "Yay! But I'm hungry still."

"That's alright," Harry assured him, picking him up. "We'll get some food on our way out."

Ginny yawned, pecked Harry on the lips, ruffled James's hair, and watched them Floo out.


"See, look, James, this is where I work." Harry walked into his office, his son's hand securely in his. "Remember when you made that?" Harry asked, pointing at a framed picture hung on the wall. It was a drawing that James had done when he had been about three and a half - it said in crooked, rainbow letters, 'I LoVE YoU DADDy! by jAMES AnD AL'. It never failed to bring a smile to Harry's face - he loved it when his kids made him anything.

"Yeah!" James exclaimed. Then he pouted a bit. "Al scribbled all over it."

Harry laughed. "It's fine, you and your brother did a wonderful job on it. Oh look, here's Uncle Ron."

Ron was standing in the doorway, smiling. "Hey Harry," he said, walking up and ruffling James's hair, "Little Harry."

"Daddy brought me to his work!" James pointed out excitedly as Ron sat in one of the leather chairs.

"So I see," said Ron, grinning. "Do you like it? Your dad is the boss so he gets the best office, you know."

"You're the boss?" James asked Harry in awe, looking up at him.

"Yes, I am, remember when I told you that?"

"Oh yeah!"

Harry smiled and shook his head, chuckling. "Here, since you're mad Al scribbled on that one, you can draw me a new one." He walked to behind his desk and took out a large notepad as well as a box of crayons, handing them to his son.

"Mate, I think you're the only one of us who keeps Crayola randomly in our drawers," Ron commented as James happily sat down and opened the box, choosing a dark green color.

"No, I'm just the only one who's prepared," Harry countered, smirking at his friend. Ron gave him a look and he admitted quickly, "Plus, I get bored in here a lot..."

Ron laughed and Harry grinned just as there was a timid knock on the office door. Harry called for them to come in, an Susan York hesitantly pushed the door open, and smiled at them.

"Minister Shacklebolt is in the other room, sir, he needs to speak with the both of you," said Susan to Harry.

"Now?" asked Harry. "Is it very important? I would go right away, but my son's here -"

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