"I'll take care of you."

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This imagine was requested by @1Narry1Liam1Louis  I hope you like it! This can be read by listening to "Take care" by Drake if you want.

My belly was starting to show. I might as well tell my mom what happened. I know she will be mad. And I understand because I'm a little disappointed in myself as well. I should've been more careful. But here goes nothing.

I start walking to the living room where my mom was watching tv, and sat down next to her. "Mom, I have to tell you something."

"What is it sweetie?" She looked at me. I looked down and held my stomach. "Is it because you're gaining a little weight? You'll be fi-"

"I'm pregnant." I say quickly. Scared to like at her face.

"No...you're not. You're joking."

A tear rolled down my face. I'm still not looking at her. "I'm not joking."

"You seriously couldn't wait until you were legal to be a hoe? You're only 14! You shouldn't be having sex!" She yelled.

"I know. I'm sorry." I cried.

"I don't care! I'm not taking care of that baby Dani! If you're not aborting it, you can't stay here."


"No. I can't." She said, and walked upstairs.

I call tell she's extremely disappointed and angry. She doesn't even know that Cameron's 20 years old. But I don't want to make her more upset.

I grabbed my phone and called Cameron. He answered immediately.

"Did you tell her yet? He asked.


"What happened?"

"She said that if I don't get an abortion, I can't live with her." I said crying.

"Please don't do it Dani! Hold on, I'm coming to get you." He hung up.

A few minutes later I got a text from Cam saying that he was outside. I went outside and got into his car. He greeted me with a kiss.

"Are you ok?"

"I don't know." I replied honestly.

"I love you."

When he said that it made me cry again. I'm so emotional today.

"I love you too."

"Dani...please don't get an abortion. At the end of the day it's your decision, but I want this baby. You can move in with me."

I was so shocked. "You would really let me?"

"Of course."

I didn't know what to say.

"Um, you want something to eat, I'm starving." He said.

"Sure." I wasn't really hungry but whatever.


We went to this restaurant that I've never heard of before. A lady led us to a table and we sat down. She looked at my stomach and it made made me uncomfortable. She was judging me in her mind. I know it.

"What would you two like today?" She asked.

"I'll have the chicken alfredo pasta. Dani, what do you want?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Just get her the same thing." He told her. And she walked away.

"It's not for the baby if you don't eat." He said.

"I don't wanna talk about the baby right now. People will hear you." You whisper.

"So what? Everything's not about you anymore. You have to think about our child."

I didn't talk anymore. I'm too young for this baby. I like how Cameron is acting about it but I'm not ready.

The waitress came back with our food. "Do you need anything else?" She asked.

"No." Cam said.

"Ok. Enjoy!"

I twirled my fork in my food for a while, taking tiny bites of it every couple minutes while Cameron ate like it was his last meal.

My back constantly hurts, and it's hard to eat when I'm in pain. I eventually stopped picking at my food and went on Instagram. The waitress came back a little later.

"Are you two ok?" She looked at me. "Would you like a coloring page and crayons?" She said.

I couldn't believe she said that. I got up and left. I'm not going to sit here and let her say that.

"Dani!" Cameron yelled. He left money out the table and followed me outside.

"I want to leave." I cried.

"Ok that's fine. I'm sorry that happened." We got in the car and drovr to his house.


We laid on his bed and watched Disney channel. It was a rerun of Jessie and I was crying through the whole episode, getting Cameron's shirt wet from my tears.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm crying."

"It's ok. You can cry on me whenever you want. What are you sad abut?"

"I can't handle people judging me. I can't handle taking care a baby. I'm not ready. We should've never had sex. We weren't thinking.

"Dani, I was thinking. I was thinking that I love this girl so much, and I want to show her how much I love her. I know you're not ready, but I am. Please trust me. I'll take care of you. And our child.

Sooooooo that's the end. Hope you liked it. Keep requesting for imagines so they can be faster. - Arianna 👀

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