Maddy and Louis

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"Please be careful when boarding the clam shells. Only two people per seat." The blond worker informed cheerfully.

"Thanks." I smiled gratefully, rushing to get on the approaching ride seat. As soon as I sit down, my blue eyes gaze at the familiar looking setting. The lights, dimmed as I entered the ride. 

The shell turned towards a seagull, whom introduced himself as Scuttle and I chuckled, memories from my childhood rushing back to me. Soft music began playing and lights shone around me, giving the feeling that I was under water. Or should I say under the sea? Looking up at the ceiling, I saw a projection of a mermaid silhouette and a fish next to her.  

"Look at this stuff?"

"Isn't it neat?" 

"Wouldn't you think my collections complete?"

"I'm a little too old for this but..." A diffrent tone interrupted.

I squeal, startled by the voice. 

"I've been next to you the entire time?" The masculine voice continued.

I glance to my left, and sure enough there's a boy...Uh, I guess man?

"S-sorry, I didn't see you there." I felt heat rush to my cheeks, as I looked down to my lap, embarrassed.

He smiled, barely visible in the dark.

"Sorry, the ride is having technical difficulties. It's probably that darn sea witch! The ride will continue shortly." The voice of Sebastian stated. I looked over at the male next to me, feeling slightly uncomfortable at the thought of being stuck with a stranger.

"Well, since we might be here for a while...I'm Louis."

"Maddy." I smiled kindly.

"Sitting there across the way, she don't got a lot to say." The music begins.

My cheeks flamed as I realize what part we're stuck at.

"But there's something about her and you don't know why."

He studied my face as if he were thinking. 

"Yes, you want her"

"Look at her, you know you do. It's possible she wants you, too."

"There is one way to ask her, It don't take a word, not a single word."

I look at him curiously as he scoots closer to me so that our knees are brushing against each other. His face nears mine, and the little light allows me to see his blue eyes causing me to melt inwardly. I never noticed he was cute, and of course, around my age.

"Sha-la-la-la-la-la, my, oh, my, look at the boy too shy, he ain't gonna kiss the girl."

"Ain't that sad, ain't t shame, too bad, you gonna miss the girl."

"Listen to the song, the song say kiss the girl."

His lips brushed against mine before he pressed them to mine in a short, sweet kiss. I barely have time to react before he pulled away.

"You know, I would've probably pushed you out of the seat  if you weren't cute." I joked.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me, I usually don't kiss girls I've just met but..."

I interrupted him, this time, I being the one kissing him.

"It was the song?" I guessed after pulling me away.

"The ride is now working. Sorry for the delay."

He nodded, slowly.

"Well I guess this is it..." I trailed off as we begin to exit the ride.

"Bye, Maddy." He hugged me and I smiled widely.

I turn to leave before he placed his hand on my shoulder. 

"Here." Louis places something in the palm of my hand. With that, he turned and walked away.

I unfolded what seemed to be a hastily scribbled note on a ripped page from an autograph book. A phone number was sloppily jotted on it. I guessed I'd be seeing Louis again. I grinned at the thought. 


Dedicated to  @maddywulz_offical. Hope you enjoyed this.  Haha, last time I went there were technical difficulties on The Little Mermaid ride so wewere stuck at a part so that gave me the idea for this. Hopefully you like The Little Mermaid and cliche moments ;D x

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