Monika and Niall

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"Hey! Over here!" A voice shouts, followed by bright flashes. I look over curiously, wondering who could be the center of all this attention.

"Niall! Look at the camera." A different voice demands. Niall? That sounds familiar. I finally catch sight of the overwhelmed, blond haired boy. He was surrounded by around a dozen paparazzi. I walked closer towards the huddled, camera bearing people, reaching an arm into the crowd. I felt my hand wrap around a wrist, before tugging it out of the circle. I sighed in relief as I saw I had grabbed onto the right person. How awkward would it had been if it hadn't? He scans over my face skeptically. I look back at the confused paps, planning to use that confusion to our advantage.

"I think we should run." I state.

"I don't know you." He responds, retracting his arm slightly.

"Please, just trust me. I'm trying to help you." I plead.

"Hey where'd he- Niall!" A pap caught sight of him again, causing the rest to look over.

I, without a second thought, wrap my hand around him, beginning to run. Hesitantly, Niall followed. My brown hair fluttered behind me as we looked for an escape. We turn a corner, and I push him behind a row of parked cars, following right after.

"Thanks." He murmurs sheepishly.

"You looked like you needed saving." I shrug, attempting to hide a smile.

His blue eyes gaze over at the paparazzi's who had just passed us. "Paps can be annoying." He sighs.

"I'm assuming you're famous?" I say quietly.

"You don't- Nevermind. My name's Niall." He flashes me a smile, his teeth perfectly straight.

"I-I'm Monika." I reply, softly.

"Nice to meet ya, Monika." He grins, his accent thick.

"Is that an irish accent I hear?" I say, jokingly.

"You are correct." He laughs, throwing his head back as he does so.

"I hope we'll meet again one day." I say.

"We can arrange that." He cocks his head to the side slightly, handing me his phone.

"You want my number?" I can feel my cheeks burn at that statement.

"Of course." Niall nods.

After exchaning numbers, the Irish boy gives me a hug, I returning it gratefully.

"Thanks again for helping me." He whispers, kissing my cheek.

"It was nothing." I reply, pulling away, my cheeks probably scarlet by now.

As Niall walks away, my phone vibrates. My blue eyes read over the screen and I beam.

'Monika is a beautiful name. x'


 For @mocha12214 :) I tried to make it be romantic but it's kinda difficult because they just met and I don't like rushing... Well hope you liked it! c: ~Kae

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