Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

There's something about unexpected moment, you can't plan it, you can't prepare for it, and maybe that's the most special thing because then things happen the way they're suppose to and with the right amount of time, patience and compassion, things come out right. Exactly right.

A drink was shoved in my hand as soon as we walked around the block. Jess pulled on my wrist, leading me to the large crowd of intoxicated teenagers. She was already headed to the far end where the twins- Brit and Brandy- are dancing, no doubt smashed. I wasn't planning on getting drunk, maybe a bit tipsy. Tonight, there's a block party for a friend of the twins birthday. A whole street was blocked off just for a party, and even then it's over flowing. Bodies are pressed tight together while the bass blasts from the speakers that are set up down the street.

One the blonde twins caught sight of us they rushed over.

"Hey, girls!" They greet in unison. Both look alike it's almost scary, but the way we tell them apart is the eyes. Brit- who is the oldest by two minutes- has blue eyes. Brandy, who grabbed my arm, jumping up and down, has green. I greet both, taking a sip from the alcohol in my hand. The blondes are tipsy, and Jess isn't far behind.

"So, where is the birthday boy?" Jess questions.

"Um-," Brit searches the crowd, rising to her tip-toes due to her height, until her eyes land behind my right shoulder, and points. "Right there!"

I looked to where she spots him. There, in a group of the boys, was a tall- taller than me- auburn haired lad. He was laughing at a joke I assume until the twins called him simultaneously.

"Landon! Come over here!" They shout, waving him over, loud enough for "Landon" to hear over the music. Landon glances over to us, then back at his friends, but in a matter of seconds he made his way through the crowd, to our group.

"Hello girls. You all look very nice if I may say so," he charmed. Landon has shaggy hair that I could barely make out the blonde tint in the dark. His eyes are a warm brown that makes him look innocent as hell.

"You can say anything you like," Jess flirted shamelessly. She's never scared to tell you her opinion. "Hey, I'm Jess." They shook hands.

"Landon this is Jess and Shay, our friends. Girls, this is the host of the party!" Landon held out his hand, which I didn't hesitate to shake, before he was called back by the people from earlier.

"I'd love to chat, but I must go watch them-," pointing to the guys behind him, "-Or they'll go on a rampage.

Once Landon has walked off, I turn back to the three nearly smashed off their ass girls, who are my friends. I've only consumed half of my drink, while Jess is ready for another.

"Oi! A little advice for tonight- stay away from Harry," Brit warns me. I stare at her confused, having no clue who she's talking about, and she doesn't add to her "advice". Brandy and Jess seem to know this Harry guy as they nod in agreement.


No one has time to respond before I was tugged back to a rock hard chest that knocks the breath out of me. Some of my drink spills from the quick movement.

"Why don't you dance with me?"

A shiver runs down my spine at the words a deep, raspy voice spoke. I know once he chuckled that he felt it too, from my body being flushed against his.

"Speak of the devil..." Brit starts. I can just hear her over the music, but I see their eyes widen, yet no one makes a move.

"And he shall appear," Brandy finishes the sentence. Twins apparently have a way of ending the others sentence and this was no exception.

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