Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Sometimes you don't even realize you're falling; it's when you hit the ground alone that the aftermath kicks in, especially if you hit the ground alone.

Harry races through another yellow light, ready to turn red. My back presses further into the black leather sitting, my nails digging in the sides, no doubt leaving marks. Glancing worriedly at the speedometer, I watch as the needle goes into the higher numbers. 50. My breathing is lost. 60. I can't tell where side roads are, or what the colour of a house is. 70. I finally decide to intervene.

"Harry," I say as calmly as possible. "Please slow down." I don't think he heard me, or chose to ignore me, and presses down harder on the gas; lurching forward and we reach 75. "Okay, did I miss something? Why are you suddenly so pissed again?"

"I was always pissed," he growls, "every since I saw you through the window with that prick─"

"You don't even know him, Harry!"

"I don't have to know him, Shay!" I flinch when Harry shouts, making me want to cover my ears. "His hands were on my girl."

Here we go again with his claim on me, I think mentally, but I roll my eyes and scoff. "You know what, Harry? You think you have some kind of─ kind of...claim on, when really you don't! I don't belong to anyone but myself─ especially you. I'm a human, not a dog, and you can't treat me like one." I pause. "Sometimes I wish I never went to that party where we met."

Harry didn't once interrupt me while I spoke, but as I whispered the last part; he stiffened and took his foot off the gas, pulling over to the side of the road. When we stop completely, with a small jolt forward, he speaks. I don't know if he's looking at me as I stare straight ahead.

"I have to protect you, Shay," he says in a low voice. "If he didn't touch you then all of this could've been avoided."

I snap. "Oh my god, Harry! Don't you see that it's not his fault? It's yours!" I finally look to him with wild eyes. I can't take this right now. "Let me out."

"What?" His voice rose, becoming irritated again.

"I said let me out."

My hand was resting on the handle, waiting for him to unlock the door from his side since it's the only side that opens all doors. A small voice in the back of my head tells me that I'm being stupid because I know he won't unlock the doors and let me go; he's too stubborn.    

But I have something Harry doesn't know about. The element of surprise.

I lurch forward, across his lap, and hastily unlock all doors before he could stop me. With my hand still on the handle, I yank on it, successfully opening the heavy door.

"SHAY!" Harry yells, unprepared for my actions, but it was too late. My feet have already ht the gravel, not bothering to shut the door behind me.

I run to the back of the car, and on down the street, crossing the road though the light didn't say walk, the opposite way of Harry's home. Though I've gotten a head start on running doesn't mean I can't hear the tell-tale sign of a car door slamming and loose rocks shifting under large feet. I'm already starting to feel winded as I bump past an elderly man standing at the newspapers vendors. He looks at me bewildered, slowly bending down to pick up his hat and paper, but when I look back over my shoulder    to apologize, I see Harry drawing closer and I'm off again.

"Stop running, Shay," I hear Harry demand, not too far away. His words only make my screaming legs move impossible faster.

I begin to round a corner but my feet catch on the crook of the stoop that leads to a door. I yelp as I land of my arm roughly, and then rolling onto my back, sucking in air.

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