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We arrive home and Caspar and I put away the food while Joe heats up our tea. During tea I tell day about Lucinda the old lady that meet that day and he asked me question about soccer and I played at home and if I was in an all-boys or girls or mixed team. He also told me about the school; I would be attending and that we have to go and buy the school uniform tomorrow because it's Saturday and that means we can do it after dad films his video for his 'Sugg Sunday' special. After finishing tea I have a quick shower and head off to bed. I lay in bed think of my family and all the good memories that we had and how much of an over protective sister I was I lay there cry then Joe and Caspar walk in and say

"Scar guess what I have good news, what's wrong why are you crying?" asks joe

"I miss my family and my friends and I'm homesick I Miss Australia"

"I'm so sorry scar" he says while holding my in a hug with his arms around me hugging me saying soft calming things to me while I cry about everything I have lost. I haven't cried this long since the day when it all happened I sit there telling Joe everything and why I'm feeling so bad and why I miss Australia

"What was the best thing about Australia" asks Caspar

"I miss the vegemite and the beaches because your English beaches are rubbish I miss the smell of sunscreen and the sound of waves crashing against the sand down at the ocean bars and I miss my friends from school and my house....... And my............. Family" I say.

I just sit and cry for what feels like forever joe tries to cheer me up by telling me that I got into a soccer club and that I'm going to start school on Monday and that I'm going to get to meet his friends tomorrow for the first time and how zoe is going to be there as well as Jim, Tanya, Alfie, Marcus, oli and everyone else. I finally calm down and call mia and jack not caring about the time difference I just want to tell them about everything and hear their voices. I sit there with the phone in my lap waiting for jack to pick up

"Hello" he says

"Hello jack it's me scar"

"OMG Scar how are you it's been so long almost a two weeks"

"Hello jack is mia there with you?"

"No she's not she got adopted just after you landed in England"

"OMG I'm so happy for her, were they nice did you meet them?"

Jack and I talk about everything that has happened since I have left and I do the same he turns 18 in three days so he getting ready to leave the orphanage and travel around the world with the money his parents left him it was his parents wish for him to go out and see the world. Jack and I finish our conversation because he has to start heading back to class because he's at school at the moment I leave him with good bye but not before I tell him how much I miss him and mia. I lie back on my bed and decide not to call mia since she would be at school too. The last thing I remember is crawling under my covers and nodding off to sleep.

"Scar wake up sleepy head it's 11:00 o'clock" Joe says

"No let me sleep"

"Come on I have things to do I already finished filming me video you have 15 minutes to be ready or else you're dead you hear me"

"Fine I up ok I'm getting up now let me get ready"

I open my eyes to the sight of rain pelting on my window "Why is it always raining in the country" I say while walking up stairs to get breakfast then getting out my clothes for the day and getting dressed and doing my hair and makeup. Then walk upstairs to see Joe waiting for me on the lounge ready to go. We go to the local school uniform supplier and get my uniform and make sure that everything fits then go by some shoes for sport since I would wear my black and white converse with my school dress and skirt and then sport shoes for sports uniform. Joe asks me "do you remember last night when I was about to tell about the good news?"

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