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Chapter 40

"Riley, you look broken."

"Thanks Adam, it's nice to see you too!" She laughed and hugged him. Lucas ran in towards them.

"Friar, never too far behind her are you?"

"Not if I can help it. I'm her ride anyways." The store was actually really busy for a Thursday night. All but 2 lanes were open and they were full.

"Riles, you sure you can work?" Adam was going through the board and checking them in.

"Yeah, thanksgiving is right around the corner you need the help. Just give me a stool and I can check just fine, I will need a personal bagger." Lucas raised his hand to fill the position of personal bagger.

"Hand down Friar." He mumbled a few things to himself and looked at the pair. Riley glanced at Lucas he was so adorable with his perfect smirk. "If I set him on your station and order him not to leave will that be okay?" She glared at him waiting for a sarcastic undertone. "Come on chicky, got things to do people to see."

"Yeah that'll be fine. I can tolerate him a little while longer." The green eyed man threw his hands up.

"I'm here ya' know."

"Lucas grab a stool from my office and set it up at 14. Don't move, if someone wants a carry out call me and i'll pass it off." He agreed and ran off. Adam leaned over and whispered, "He's alright, right?"

"Oh yeah, i'm not just saying that because we're dating but, he's a hard worker." She limped to her station and propped her leg up on the cubby.

"Looks like i'm with you for the rest of our shift." The brunette giggled.

"Get ready to hear, 'what happened to your leg' about 20 times today." The running back laughed while she flipped her light on. "Hi, how are you today?" Riley started scanning items and casually carrying on a conversation with the customer when she was asked about her leg. "Oh, this? I went rock climbing, messed up my knee." Lucas spewed the water that was in his mouth and after excusing himself covered his laugh with a cough. A few minutes later they were alone and he just had to ask.

"Rock climbing huh?"

"I'm not going to see these people again, and if I do they won't remember me. Why not make the stories interesting?" Lucas laughed again. "I love your laugh."

"I love you." He winked and the next customer entered the line. The running back loved being with her, she was sassy enough to keep things interesting, sweet enough to keep him happy and never smothered him.


"So, you went rock climbing, 4 wheeling, had a car accident and tripped chasing your grandma? You're extremely eventful!" Riley let out a chuckle and had to stop walking.

"Give me a second, my hip is really tired." He scooped her up.

"Why didn't you say so? Gives me an excuse to hold you close." The green eyed man leaned in and kissed her lips, she sighed sweetly and felt tingles through out her body. "In general you're kind of like a cat. You want to be loved on when you say so and no other time."

"Hey, no! I hold your hand, and kiss you. I lay on your chest and watch movies."

"Yeah, but you fight me when I try to hug you for longer than 10 seconds." She laughed.

"Would you have me any other way?" Riley was placed in his truck.

"No, definitely not." His face became serious, as he held onto her dangling hand. "I love everything about you. You're perfect for me." Riley's heart soared, he kissed her hand and shut the passenger door.

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