Chapter 1.

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Bella's POV

I was now on my horse in Chicago and I was free riding. I saw this man with red eyes and thought nothing of it. So I just kept on going and going until I thought that I lost him. When I stopped to sleep I tied my horse to the pole and slept on the floor where there was grass. The spot the Jasper and I always went because this is where we would go when Jasper returned from the war. This is where I was happy.

When I woke up in the morning my horse was gone and I could see some shadow in the woods. I went to go and see who it was until the guy that I saw came out of the woods.
"What do you want? I have no money please just go."
"I don't want money, I want you."
And then he bit me everywhere. All over the arms and one time in the neck.

Pain that is all that I felt pain everywhere. I couldn't bear the pain. I blacked out and then the fire was everywhere. My arms, legs, hands, feet, toes, I didn't want to say anything knowing that the only thing that would come out was screams. Right now the only thing that I wanted to do was to die. I didn't want anything to do with living, I just wanted the pain to go away.
After what felt like years the fire started to m move from my legs and arms to my chest. When it reached my heart my beating was trying to get rid of the burning and it kept on speeding up and getting faster and faster and then it reached its last beats.

"Its almost done." Somebody said. I have never heard this voice before and I what is almost done. Death taking over me? What did they do to me?

Dead silence, am I dead?
"You can wake up now we know that you can hear us."
I opened my eyes and I was in a huge room. I saw 6 people in the room. I jumped off the bed and shot to the other side of the room. I moved there in a second, if that.
"What did you do to me?" I asked. I covered my mouth realizing that it doesn't sound like my normal voice.
"Well young one, we have given you a new life. You are immortal."
I was now highly confused and pissed. I growled and they chuckled.
"We don't want to hurt you. We can promise you that but, we must help you. You need to hunt."
There was now a burning in my throat so I rubbed it hoping that it would go away.
"We will get you somebody to drink.
"You must feed."
"I will not kill and innocent human. I would rather die then hunt people."
"There is one other way. You can hunt animals."
I nodded my head and ran past them to the window and jumped to the ground. I just ran trying to find an animal to kill. I listened for a heart beat and that's when I could hear it. I then ran towards it and I could see that it was a mountain lion. I lunged for it and broke its neck then sucked all the blood out of it until I cleaned it dry. I looked up and there were the people from the room again. I ran another direction and killed 5 more mountain lions and 4 bears. As I finished the last one the people were still there.
"What do you want?"
"You make one intriguing newborn."
"You never explained what I am. I will tell you nothing if you tell me nothing so I expect that you start talking."
The guy with black hair in the front started to laugh.
"Yes come with us."

They took me back the building and into this huge room. I stood there and three people sat in the throwns. The guy in the front with black hair pulled back and the one that spoke for me to follow them. On the left was the one that had brown hair and the guy on the right had blonde hair.

"Well my name is Aro Vultori and this is Marcus" He said gesturing to the guy on his right and my left and then he gestured to the guy on my right and his left ",and this is Casius."
"Hello I'm Isabella Marie Whitlock."
"Well hello Isabella. We will tell you about us and then you can tell us about you."
I nodded my head to continue.
"Well we are the Vultori the kings of all vampires and you are now a vampire. Stuck at the age of 17 forever and you may or may not have powers. We will have to see."
"Okay my turn. I am the youngest of the kids in the family and the only other brother that I have is Jasper. My mother and father are at home in Texas and my brother is there also in the army."
"Well young Isabella you will never be able to go back to your family because there are rules that all vampires should know about. the rule is Humans cant know about us. So you can stay here or go to a coven that has the same, diet as you."
"I will stay here for a decade and then I will go to the coven. Until then I will help you with any services that you need."
Aro clapped his hands. "Well then. It seems that we have another guard. But, first I want to see if I can do something."
"Anything Aro."
He ran to me and extended his arms for me and motioned for me to give him my hand. He grabbed it and surprisingly he wasn't cold. Like he said vampires were. He closed his eyes and his eyebrows scrunched up.
"I see nothing but, darkness." He stepped back.
"Lets see if she is immune to all of our powers. Jane."
She nodded her head, "This may hurt just a little."
We stared at each other until Aro clapped his hands. "Fascinating, you will train and then we will send you out on some missions."
"Yes Aro."
"Felix, Demetri. Please show Bella to her room."
They walked towards me and I followed them down corridors and hallways and then we reached a room.
"If you need anything my room is across the hall and Felix's is right next to mine on the left."
I nodded my head and gave them a hug.
"Thank you."
They smiled and walked to their rooms. I opened the door and saw a bed, tv, couch, love seat, and a desk with a computer, phone, I pad, and chargers on it. Then there were 3 other doors. One to the balcony, one to the bathroom, and another to my closet. I walked over to each and then sat down on by my bed and realized that my clothes were all torn and most of my body was exposed. Maybe that is why they were laughing. I hid my face in my hands and then went to the closet. There was a whole bunch of clothes there you name it. Bikinis, shorts, shirts, dresses, shoes, jewelry, etc.
I put on some pyjamas and sat back down on the side of the bed and started to think about everything. How I was never going to see Jasper again and how my poor mother and father will lose one of their children forever. I just began to cry.
Demetri and Felix came into the room and helped me onto the bed.
"Bella are you okay?"
I shook my head and they started to rub circles on my back.
"I'm never going to get to see my family ever again."
"We know Bella we know. If it makes you feel any better would you like to train and take some anger out on us?" Demetri asked.
"Demetri you know that she is a newborn. She is going to kill us."
I nodded my head yes and when I looked they were smiling and then Demetri threw me over his shoulder and into some training room.

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