Ch.1 A Cry For Help Part.1

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Luna: MidNight my child wake up it is that for your task.

Night: Zzz

Luna: want to stay in bed huh someone been hanging around their uncle too much.

" she tickles nights ears as his tail starts to wag and lets kick as he grumbles and mumble in his sleep.

Luna: still won't wake up huh. Hmm. Oh I know what will wake you up... Hey Night your father is here to see you and he seems quite mad.

"as soon Night heard that he jump out of bed looking around then notices that his father was never really that he then looks to his mother seeing her giggling"

Night: heeey mooom that wasn't fair. You know how I get when father is here.

Luna: I know I know but it was the only way I could you to wake up... That I could think of hehe.

Night: grrr

Luna: come on it's time for your task my child. Someone is calling for help. Take a look.

" Night looks into the waterfall to see a group of animals running and screaming in fear"

Night: what are they running ma?

Luna: the vision it's too blurry for me to see what it is sweetie. But I do know those animals need you. Go hurry before it's too late.

"Night nods his head and jumps into the waterfall as it takes him to a world called Jamaal aslo known as the peaceful island for all animals. "

Luna: be careful my child I sins a great evil awaiting you.

"When Night arrived through another waterfall but instead of outside he ended up inside the cave called Epic Wonders in a place call Coral Canyons"

Night: That's odd I ended up inside the cave. hmm " he pads over the waterfall to go outside but he stop in his tracks to not only see him but saw his appearance had changed completely as he looke in shock while stumbling back a bit" w..wh..WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPEN TO ME! IM A... IM A WOLF " he howled loudly while trying to say wolf as he quickly covers his mouth" mom! Your seeing this right! I'm a wolf what happen to my real form!?

Luna: EEEK YOUR SO CUTE! It looks like you have another form and it's cute also aaah!

Night: MA! " he growls lowly" hm i hear yelling outside I'm going to ho check it out ok. " he runs out to the waterfall and jumps through it as the bright light blinds him a little bit but he sees what looks like ghost with four arms and one eye" what tha...? " he hears a scream that came for a bunny and a monkey" oh no.. Um um HEY! GHOST THINGY OVER HERE!

The bunny: it's a phantom don't let it touch you or it'll put you in a deep sleep

Night: say what?!

" the phantom sends a shock wave at Night as he sees it coming he quickly jumps out of the way as his tail turns into a hook blade somewhat like a scythe as he jumps over the phantom cutting it in half as it disappears."

Night: well look at that. Not just my appearance have changed my abilities have as well also. " his tail turns back to normal as he look at the bunny and monkey " are you two alright are you hurt anywhere

" they look at him in fear as they both ran off quickly "

Night: i can't look that scary can i?

???: they didn't run away from your looks they ran away from your tail...

Night: "night turns around only to see another wolf glaring and snarling at him as he did the same while holding up his tail. " and who are you?!...

(To be continued)

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