Chapter Four

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The Welfare of the Kids


Days, weeks and months passed. Francis and Karylle continued helping out the three kids adjust to their new lives. When the two kids were already schooling, Francis became so busy with work. But even if he wasn’t able to go home during his business trips out of town or out the country, he still managed to call the kids and talked to them.

Francis and Karylle remained good friends. Francis had already moved on with his life without Carmi. Karylle had also moved on with her life away from James.

Nathan and CJ were enjoying school. They were enjoying their newfound family life with Francis and Karylle. It seemed to them that they had not lost their parents because Francis and Karylle took their places. Joshua had been more comfortable and sweet with them also.

Karylle had also started interviewing possible private nurse or governess for the kids. Many had applied for the position. Francis and Karylle even decided for the applicants to give it a try for a week or two with pay but they were both not satisfied with the performance of the applicants.

The kids were also having some problems with their nannies. Nathan and CJ were complaining about their nannies focusing more on using their mobile phones to the point of overlooking their duties and responsibilities to the kids. Karylle also noticed that Josh didn’t want being around with his nanny.

She had tried to closely observe the three nannies. And she was disappointed in what she found out.

She had caught the nannies being neglectful of the kids because of their eagerness to look pretty and to use their mobile phones.

She also had caught the three nannies looking besotted to Francis whenever he was around but Francis was just ignoring the three nannies. Well she couldn’t blame the nannies if they found Francis attractive because she herself had found Francis to be very attractive. But she was way pass that stage of having a crush and going gaga over it.

Karylle talked to Nanay Lagrimas about the nannies because she was in charge of the household staff.

They talked at the library.

Nanay, the kids are complaining about their nannies. They’re being neglectful of their duties and responsibilities because they were so keen in looking pretty and using their mobile phones,” Karylle informed the majordoma. “I think you have the authority to address this since Francis wouldn’t be able to do that because he is so busy with work.”

“I’ll do the necessary actions, Kaye. I had also noticed it. But you can also reprimand them anytime,” the majordoma responded.

Karylle told her impartiality, “Nanay, I’m still a guest in this house. In a few more months, I have to leave. The kids seem to have adjusted well here. I’m almost done with my purpose here. In a few more weeks, I know we would be able to find a suitable private nurse or governess.”

The majordoma understood her, “I understand, Kaye. I’ll call their attention regarding it then.”

October 31, 2010. Sunday. Karylle left after attending the Holy Mass with the Luviencos. She needed to go back to Arcella to visit the graves of her parents and relatives. Francis had insisted her to use his car once again.

Karylle checked first the Alegre Mansion. The caretaker was doing well looking after it. Then she checked on the Alegre Mausoleum in a private memorial park in Howu City.

The following day, she visited the grave of her parents in a public cemetery in Howu City. She had met some of her friends and former colleagues at the hospital. The private hospital of the Halilis was doing well already.

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