Chapter 1- Rush

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<Jaylen's POV>


Ugh what the hell! It can't be morning already. Ignore it just go back to sleep.


Stupid iPhone can't you see I'm trying to sleep here. After about 5 minutes of staring at my ceiling it was obvious I was awake.

Great, now I can't go back to sleep anymore thanks a lot. Who the heck decides to message me this early in the morning is insane.

Throwing off the cover I lazily grab my phone off the nightstand. Clicking the on button the screen read 4:17 AM along with two text messages from Joan, the schools assignment director.

Of course only she would be up at this hour. To be honest I wasn't even sure if she had time to even sleep with all of the work she does managing each and every single mission assignments here at Crossroad Academy. Not wanting to waste any more time I unlock my phone to see whatever urgent message Joan woke me up for.


Joan: Good morning Jaylen, rise and shine you have a flight to catch at exactly 7:15 AM heading to England. Pack for a week and more details on your assignment will be given when you arrive. Remember to pack warm and have a safe flight.


Joan: I know you're still in bed. Now get up before I call someone over there.


Jaylen: I'm up! Packing now heading out in 15.

Knowing Joan she wasn't kidding when she said that, so might as well get up. Grabbing my decent sized suitcase I walked over to my closet to start packing and change.

Throwing on my most comfortable pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top with a navy blue cardigan, a pair of black ankle boots, and a hand bag to chuck all my junk into. Happy with my outfit I quickly threw stuff into my luggage and zipped it up.

Like most girls I over pack, but hey, you never know what you need. It might even come in handy, so you can thank yourself later for packing it.

One last look in the mirror I fixed my bed head of dirty blond hair trying to tame the curls. With everything else I need done I head out of the dorm and to my car. I wouldn't exactly call my room a dorm it was more like a condo with a full on living area, two bedrooms, a bath, and a kitchen. Another plus, I don't have to share. Thanks mom and dad.

The drive to the airport was long and full of traffic as I listen to the music playing on the radio. It was 5:15 and I'm still on the road trying to get to the airport.

By the time I checked in my luggage and went through security check it was 6:40 and I was running and pushing people out of the way so I could get to my gate on time. I don't even remember how many time I said excuse me and sorry.

I look back at my phone to see what time it was. Still rushing I didn't bother to slow down.


The next thing you know I ran into something solid and hard and I was on my butt. Not to mention stuff was all over the ground. Oh, did I forget to mention that certain solid and hard something was a guy, a really good looking guy.

Nice going Jay not only are you going to miss your flight, but in the process you have to accidentally mowed down a hottie and ultimately embarrass yourself damn it.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you. I have a flight to catch and..."

"It's fine love. Are you ok?"

Omg he's good looking and he has a British accent. Jay get yourself together now. Which made me realize that I didn't have much time left and I frantically pick up my stuff and started shoving them into my bag.

"No... I mean yes I'm fine, thanks. Um I have a flight to catch...bye!"

"Uh bye...?"

So, me and my socially awkward self ran off before he could say another word and I sprinted to my gate hoping that the plane hasn't took off yet and that I wasn't already too late.

"Last call for international flight number 614 to London, England please head to gate A16 now."

I made it at the last minute possible thank heavens as I walk on board to my seat located in first class. It was going to be a long week and I was already exhausted.

Hey there, my name is Jaylen Thompson and welcome to average 17 year old teenage life. Actually I lied it's not average actually it's far from it.

I'm a spy.

Yes, I'm not joking with you. My parents are top CIA agents and I'm their only daughter. I go to Crossroad Academy a school for spies like me and not to brag but I'm pretty good at what I do.

Sometimes I wondered if living a normal teenage life would have been the better choice. Then again we could spend our whole lives playing the "what if" game not that it would make an actual difference.

Now then WELCOME to my strange and dangerous life. I think its time to catch up on some sleep.

Haiii! Ok this is the first chapter YAY!

So bare with me here it might be a bit uneventful so far but I promise it will be better!

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Excuse the shortness I promise it will be longer

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